On sale today!
A Year of Painting ArtStar
All levels of painting experience welcome! Receive immediate and lifetime access. Feel your creativity supported and allow it to soar! Fresh lessons are sent out at the beginning of each month.
A Year of Painting ARTSTAR is an expanded evolution of what has been called one of the best online classes ever… discover why by reserving your space now. This course is for all levels of experience, with a variety of lessons, techniques, and new ideas to create what you find beautiful! You will be given lifetime and immediate access.
My intention for you to become your own fluent creative star that expresses herself effortlessly. By the end of the year you will have the skills of a free intuitive style that is also grounded in the fundamentals. In the end, you will have works of art to sell, keep, or give as gifts. You will also be able to learn how to incorporate these way of creating into your own vocations. This journey ends up being about so much more than painting! This class will activate an artistic alchemy within you that is priceless and serve you for the rest of your life.
The full price for this lifetime experience is $589 and in this tier it is $147 today only! People truly make the most gorgeous works that I have ever witnessed.
Simple payment plan of only $37 (interest free) also available here.
“Thank you, thank you for being such a bright light in my life. The lessons have been such a gift to me. You deserve all the love and happiness your gentle, loving heart can hold. So excited I get your guidance for another year!” –Diane Dilworth
“I want to thank you so much… It’s like you have let the genie out of the bottle or something!! I have been searching for my own personal style. I’ve been on fire since your lesson.” – Pate Buss
“Because of this wonderful class – which is so gloriously rich and so realistically paced – I have created my first series of paintings, something I never thought I would do. Anything is possible.” –Lyn Metcalf
You will learn so much, including: how to make effortless abstract works, add script and intentional meaning to painting, composition mastery with all the aspects of design, paper and ink goodness, striking botanicals, animal totems and embodying their healing and gifts, master level series + so much more!
See what others have said about Alena’s classes here.
How it works:
- You can tune into this course with each new lesson, will receive lifetime access, and go at your own pace! Anytime you may try the new lessons, receive feedback from me, and go back to old lessons and be excited for new ones to come each month. People from all around the world join this course and go at their own pace as it fits into their schedule.
- Learn to most in depth creative styles to make that magic happen. Learn script, intuitive painting, paper play, composition, design, and in the end, a series of paintings that absolutely shine!
- Basic supplies are needed. I like to work on a variety of substrates with economical choices as an option for you. Acrylic paint, acrylic ink, Caran D’ache Neocolor II crayons, water-based paint pens, watercolors, and gold leaf are some of my favorite supplies. The specific supply list will be given out after sign up. You can buy based on your budget.
- We begin this course with me sharing an array of warm up lessons for creative flow and technique. This way you can discover what clicks for you and all the ways I create layered and luscious paintings. Script, collage, color play, how layers work and playful yet deep understanding of the elements and principles will be introduced.
A small investment for a lifetime gift you can bestow on your creative and authentic self (or for someone you love–this makes the most unique and beautiful gift)!
~ Paint more at a pace you can actually handle for the whole year. This means more offline time and more time with your work and art materials.
~ Feel supported by myself and our international community. I will also be leading Zoom quarterly get togethers (**which are recorded so you can watch later) to answer questions and thus get more of your creative needs and dreams met.
~ Beginners to advanced artists welcome. Uncover more of your style with each lesson. Deepen your skills and feel inspired.
~ Again, you can login to our private virtual classroom from anywhere and at anytime, as well as go at your own pace! In this way we come together to celebrate each others’ successes and support each other with life’s challenges and gifts. So in sum, you will receive monthly rich video lessons + personal videos from me. You will also receive support all along the way–quite a fantastic deal if you ask me!
Create delicious details that allow your spirit to come out and play. Make layered work that shines.
Learn to see the elements and principles of art everywhere in nature and let it inspire your art.
Discover what your favorite media are and make art that sells and leads to amazing connections.
Create fluid faces, animals, lines, shapes, and abstracted landscapes that come from your unique aesthetic and inner world.
All levels join and are welcome! Return students will get fresh and up to date lessons and interactions from me.
When we tune into our creative abundant self, new worlds open up to us–with an energy of surprise and delight.
~ In sum, there will be multiple warm up lessons and a variety of ways to uncover and discover the radiant creative within you. When we have a consistent process of making art, something opens up within us that clears the mind and nourishes the spirit. It brings nurturing solitude and adventurous spirit along with beautiful like minded souls. Come find your art tribe and shine from a place that is true to yourself in ways you did not know existed.
~ Reserve your seat here for a lifetime of creative abundance.
“I’m taking your [e-course] and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your inner beauty and bountiful wisdom. I have a history with ailments like seasonal affective disorder and anxiety, so it can life can be hard. Your class has been my go-to for when I need to calm down, and I try to paint as often as possible and think and write about grace in all its forms. I’m now noticing how grace seems to manifest itself in our everyday lives, something I never would have taken note of if not for your lessons. I can’t tell you how much YOU have contributed to my mental stability. I’m filled with motivation and a renewed determination to enjoy life, and I can’t thank you enough. This class has been cure I needed that no doctor could prescribe.”
A. Monroe
Artist“For the first time in years I really felt fun and joy and freedom in the process. I know your gentle and quick-fire teaching helped with this …it gave me permission to just play. I’ve had lots of other teachers talk about play …but suddenly I’m there!!! I’m now officially addicted to this style!!! It takes me home to my love of bright clashing colours, lots of detail, texture and playful imagery. I see know how I can combine my love of making faces with everything else I love. Anyway, I just wanted to share that your course landed SO right for me. I see myself now–my creative vibe and heart and I feel so grateful that you’ve been the catalyst for this!!! Thank you so much Alena. Can’t tell you what a blessing it’s been on my creative resurrection!!!
Samantha Jenkins
Artist and Author“A Year Of Painting has kept me inspired, enthused, and productively creating throughout the year with Alena’s fresh monthly lessons and techniques. I’ve enjoyed A Year Of Painting so immensely that I’ve taken it three times! Alena stretches me to take her ideas and put my own twist on them, yet she offers enough support to take on new challenges, good for all levels of experience. Her bonus, live online talks are enriching, and she’s very generous in sharing her artwork and thought process. I have definitely grown in my confidence and persistence in creating art regularly through my participation. I’ve found such a lovely, supportive and encouraging tribe through her private group. I whole heartedly recommend her class. You will love her!”
Jill Turner
ArtistAlena is the author of Cultivating Your Creative Life, The Painting Workbook, Intuitive Painting Workshop, The Healing Guide to Flower Essences and beloved teacher of the art-making process, both online and at select retreats. Her work has been featured in numerous magazines and publications, including Dwell, The Washington Post, Somerset Life, Spirituality & Health, ReadyMade, Redbook, Stitch, Victoria, and Natural Health magazine, as well as being featured on Good Morning America and pilot shows for ABC Studios. Her paintings have been exhibited across major cities in the U.S., along with several museum shows. Alena is also a flower essence practitioner, along with being a Reiki master and energy healer. Through grace and intuitive guideposts, she calls the beautiful town of Asheville, NC her home. As a facilitator, her intention is that each participant leave a little more transformed, content, and open to wild possibility.