“Your class has changed my life. I am eternally grateful for meeting you and I am glad we got to connect on a more personal level. Thank you again, I am humbled, yet I feel elevated. I felt supported today, seen and heard. I feel less hesitancy and more hope and confidence for this path and opportunity. The possibilities no longer seem like daydreams (like they did before this class) but very tangible.” – Sarah Whitwell
My name is Alena (A-lee-na) and I’m a lover of fluid color, botanical detail, and heartfelt expression. I feel we are all born to create and there is no such thing as perfection in the name of creativity. The only perfection is the coming and going of this breath, which keeps us alive… all else is play.
My life’s work is to open people up to the rich understanding that they are gifted just as they are and to make art by expressing the flawed beauty or Wabi Sabi aesthetic. From understanding the principles of art we can then break them and grow as artists. I believe we are here to know ourselves as intimately as possible, for that is how we show up for our own care and thus others, which the world so desperately needs at this time.
I have been teaching art for over 17 years, with thousands of students participants enrolled in my online classes. I lead retreats and workshops both at my studio and around the world. I also have 4 books out on painting, the creative process, and flower essences and have exhibited in galleries and a few museums. Ultimately, my sincere interest also lies in connecting to Nature, Spirit, and our shared humanity. Being a Reiki Master, Flower Essence Practitioner, and space holder for women infuses into every aspect of my work.
* Read testimonials about my facilitation here.
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