ArtBiz Gold Dreamer Series


Note: this webinar series has already taken place, so this is a self placed course now where you will receive all the info at once. I’ve received many emails in the past few months requesting that I offer another Art Biz mentorship program. My last course related to this was a 3-months long and quite involved with so much information and dedication given. This time ‘round, I’ve decided to simplify it and make a clear 3-part webinar series that highlights as much knowledge and guidance that I can fit in, along with taking your questions and doing what I can to mentor each of you! You will also be given two value PDF workbooks with priceless info, one being of a value of $225 (my former ArtBiz pdf).

This will be a very personalized experienced where you will receive ample attention while paying for mentorship at a very good discount (more than 60% off)! One private session is basically the cost of 3 of these plus bonuses.

The information shared in this online workshop will be priceless and worth so much for than the generous offering.


What sort of topics will be covered?

*Core Beliefs, Confidence + Money Stories
*Honey Pots: Ways to Make a Creative Living
*List Building
*Social Media Methods
*Website Matters
*Selling Originals
*E-courses, Workshops and Retreats
*Licensing and Manufacturing
*Selling Prints
*Wholesale, Consignment, and Art Fairs
*Crowdfunding projects
*Manifesting Methods

Plus much more.

What if we cannot attend the webinar, can we watch later?

Absolutely. All webinars will be recorded and you may submit your questions beforehand.

Are we able to ask questions?

Yes, each participant will be given a chance to ask questions before or during the webinar.

How long will each webinar be?

At least an hour. My estimation is around 90 minutes long.

What do we need to do to prepare?

Take notes or record it on your phone. You will have lifetime access to the recordings, however so you can watch them whenever you’d like.

Besides the webinar, what else will we receive?

At the beginning of the webinar, you will receive a worksheet PDF. At the end of the series you will receive a certificate of completion plus a PDF of info shared. Plus ALL the juicy hard earned tips for creating.

If you wish to have a one-on-one more follow up mentor session with me personally, you may do so with and receive a sweet discount off a regular session. Just mention your interest in the comment section of the order.

3 in stock
