That Which Makes You Come Alive

blog1This New Year, I would love for you to ponder the following questions:

What truly turns me on?
What makes me come alive?
Where do I find real joy?

Such simple questions, but when we take the time to sit with them, honor them, nourish them, unfold them… we may be surprised as to what comes up.blog2I’d like you to invite you to be exactly the woman you want to be, no apologies. I’d like to invite you to wear bright colors on your nails, to put a tiara or flowers on your head, to sing out loud or to recite a line from your favorite poem to a stranger. I’d like to invite you to be entirely you: authentic, bold, beautiful, outlandish you. Even if at times that feels discordant, that’s OK. More than ok. You are a brilliant multitude: complex, simple, and light-filled. Trust me, you are. This I know to be true. blog3 I believe this is how we start unleashing our creativity. We become true. We make no excuses. We travel lightly and freely. We wake up one morning and say “I really don’t give a ____ about what they think anymore, this is just how its going to be.” We live true to our insides. Its scary at first, but very liberating. That liberation is a damn good thing. It brings all sorts of goodies. Welcome it. blog5Start by making a list: let it come uncensored, let it be unleashed. Let it contain all the simple things that you love, all the big things too. Dream big, dream sweetly…

And Happy New Year dear ones.

16 thoughts on “That Which Makes You Come Alive


    I will ponder my list. The word for me this year is SERENITY.


  2. I usually take this time, during the year, to contemplate what worked for me and what didnt over the course of the year. Unfortunately, this year, Ive felt a bit scattered as Im away for the holidays (in Florida) with my children while the husband is back home working. (I’ve had a full plate without him for the past week.) Fortunately, I saw this post today and allowed myself some “alone” time, while my kids spent quality time with my parents, to think things through. Im looking forward to reinventing myself this year. To shed the expectations and labels I’ve inherited and accepted in order to make others comfortable. This year I need to make myself comfortable in my own skin..all aspects of me. This year, I will define myself, for myself. Thanks for the inspiration and great timing!

    1. Oh, that is music to my ears Paula! I love the serendipity. Thank you so much for sharing. I especially like “make myself more comfortable in my own skin.” Wonderful.

  3. PS Happy New Year Alena! Hope that you receive all that you’ve strived for in the coming new year…in love and life!

  4. Love this post…it really made me think and realize how uncomfortable I am with answering those first three questions. I just wanted to scroll by them, ignore them, and read on – but I will sit with them and honor them and see what comes up. Thank you.

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