LifeBook the actual BOOK Giveaway

Hello beaming creative!

Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts has written a book! It’s called ‘Create Your Life Book: Mixed-Media Art Projects for Expanding Creativity and Encouraging Personal Growth’ and I get to give away a copy! Let me tell you a bit more about Tam’s new book in case you haven’t heard about it yet!

Based on much-loved mixed-media artist Tamara Laporteā€™s popular, multi-year series of online classes, Create Your Life Book offers mixed-media drawing and painting projects that can raise your awareness of and help you work through personal challenges and other obstacles to creating art and achieving self-fulfilment. Each themed chapter presents 4 or 5 two-part projects: The first part of each project explores a common issue that hampers creativity and/or positive self-worth, and includes a worksheet or list of questions to be answered; the second part is a step-by-step mixed-media art project that provides a way for artists at all skill levels to contemplate and work through that issue. Also included are projects contributed by some of Tamaraā€™s Life Book guest teachers along with myself–Roxanne Coble, Andrea Gomoll, Mystele Kirkeeng, Ivy Newport, and Effy Wild–who are noted mixed-media artists in their own right.

The final chapter presents a simple binding method for creating a keepsake book of your Life Book projects. I am very honored to be a part of this book as I see it a source of creative expression and healing that is accessible to all levels of experience in art-making.

One of my paintings related to my lesson in the book,Ā I am:

You can now pre-order it here: (USA) (UK) (Canada) (Australia) (The Book Depositary)

Now then, onto the give-away and blog hop!Ā  I can give away 1 copy of Tam’s book to 1 lucky winner, yay! šŸ™‚ And if you follow the blog hop (see below for links and dates) you can up your chances of winning by entering all the other give-aways also!

How to enter the give-away:

1. Sign up to my museletter and receive a special coupon and free art prints!

2.Ā Share this give-away on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (and follow me on Insta @alenahennessy).

3. Leave a comment below letting us know why you would love to get a copy of Tam’s book!

I will announce the winner on December 16th.

Here is the list of the other people on Tam’s Book Launch Blog Hop ā€“ they too will be giving away a copy of Tam’s book so go check them out and enter their give-aways!

1st December 2017 Tamara Laporte
2nd December 2017 Effy Wild
3rd December 2017 Ivy Newport
4th December 2017 Roxanne Coble
5th December 2017 Andrea Gomoll
6th December 2017 Mystele Kirkeeng
7th December 2017 Tracy Verdugo
8th December 2017 Wyanne Thompson
9th December 2017 Shiloh Sophia McCloud
10th December 2017 Alena Hennessy
11th December 2017 Lindsay Weirich
12th December 2017 Jane Davenport
13th December 2017 Carla Sonheim
14th December 2017 Mati Rose McDonough
15th December 2017 Annie Hamman

Buona fortuna! Good luck! xox

35 thoughts on “LifeBook the actual BOOK Giveaway

  1. I would really love to win this book. Next year I will be a firsttime Lifebooker. So this book will come in handy! And who wouldnā€™t want a book by Tam! (Shared in twitter. And following you on insta under the name Carokb)

  2. I would love to win this book. ! Tam was the e course art lesson I took and I havenā€™t looked back since! Her weekly notes and insta messages are always so inspiring. I follow you on instagram and have shared the give away on facebook.

  3. Hi, Alena! Iā€˜m looking foreward to this book because with it I donā€˜t need the computer to make a LifeBookLesson! I could make one everywhere! Thank you for this chance, love your drawing for the book (this would be a reason to buy it on its own!)
    Shared on fb, Iā€˜m Susu Ko. And Iā€˜m your follower on Insta for a long time now (bysusuko).

  4. Since I met Tam I’ve learned a lot from her and all the wonderful teachers, like you. And because Im not an english speaker, it’s more easy to me learn from a book. I imagine that this book would help me express myself better. I would love to have a copy, with all my heart. Thanks Alena!

  5. I would love to win a copy – I just received mine from Amazon pre-order, but would love a copy to give to my sister. She’s very artistic, and I think she would love this book. Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I would so looove to win a copy of the book! Congrats on being part of it!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  7. Love, love, love to have this book as part of my art book library for inspiration and learning. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! <3 ~Patti

  8. I use a computer at work and sometimes when i get home, I would rather not commit any more time to “staring at a screen”. i would love to win this book because I really love the idea of Life Book “unplugged”.

  9. Oh what a wonderful opportunity! Tam is such an amazing teacher, this would be such a great book to have. Thanks so much!

  10. Learning is one of the necessary things needed to live. This year was my first time at LifeBook and have learned much about myself as art technique.

  11. I would love to win a copy of Tam’s book! I’m such a huge fan and I love how we get to learn from multiple teachers in her LifeBook classes. šŸ™‚

  12. It would be a wonderful day to win Tamaraā€™s book. I have been apart of LB for the last three years and this would make everything that much better

  13. Hi Alena – how exciting – you and Tam together. Yippee!! Would love to win a copy of her book. Thanks for all this opportunity and for all the wonderful energy you put out into the world. Hugs!

  14. Not only am I looking forward to Life Book 2018, I can’t wait to have a copy of this book in my hands! It looks like a wonderful collaboration of so many fabulous artists!

  15. I would love to recieve this book as am doing lifebook2018 and would love to have this as a memento of my time with all you lovely artists.

  16. I’ve been signed up to your newsletter and following you on Instagram for a while now (@velvetbarnacle) . Really excited for a chance to win a copy of lifebook! I’ve tweeted about the giveaway too (also @velvetbarnacle)

  17. Sign me up to win a copy! Tamā€™s color palette is gorgeous. Iā€™m anxious to see everyone’s contribution to the book. Tamā€™s themes of positive self-worth and healing through art could help us all.

  18. I’ve heard so much about the Life Book course, it would be awesome to have the book as an “intro”! I’ve been following the “hop” and found many inspiring blogs, Facebook pages, and instagram accounts to follow, so I feel as if I’ve already won šŸ™‚

  19. I shared this on facebook. I have already signed up to your newsletter. I would love to win a free copy of this book because it seems so amazing with all those wonderful teachers/artists participating !!! I could take it anywhere with me !!! Reading it and practicing would be so much easier for me and so much fun than looking at a computer screen , which makes my eyes hurt after a while. It would make the perfect Christmas gift for me these Holidays!!! Thank you so much for this opportunity and wish you Happy Holidays !!!

  20. I would love to win this gorgeous book because:-
    a) it IS gorgeous
    b) it would look gorgeous on my craft table
    c) I could show it off on my coffee table
    d) I could take it to bed with me
    e) I have never one anything before

  21. Iā€™m trying to win a copy of Tams book for my bff in Oregon. We mail traveling journals back and forth to each other about every 6 weeks. Itā€™s been a great way to keep in touch. I received my copy in the mail recently and love it. I am sure Ginger would love it too. Iā€™ve shared your post and already subscribed to your musings.

  22. Thanks for the giveaway; such a fun way to get word out! I’d love to win this book. I have a super tight schedule, and what free time I have tends to be wasted, to exhausted to come up with a clear idea of what I want to work on, for myself. Guidance would be super helpful, and this sounds like just the book to offer that.

  23. I would love to win this book. I am coming out of a depression which totally sucked my will to create or even imagine. I feel that urge coming up inside me again and I need help and guidance nurturing it and developing it to become an artist again! Please consider me.

  24. I would love to win this book! I am just learning to art journal and need help with not only the basics, but also selected techniques. I just came across your paintings (from a post on Pinterest) and love your style, as well as Tam’s! As a lifelong artist, I do really appreciate your aesthetic. Thank you so much for sharing insight into your work. (I joined your newspaper, followed you on Instagram, and shared on Facebook.) Good luck to everyone!

  25. I would really love to win this awesome book and learn from all of its wise and creative artists!! Thank you!

  26. This is a lovely book full of wonderful mini lessons in Tam’s wonderful, whimsey style. So fun; I was lucky enough to see my friend’s book and I would love one of my own.
    Also, Alena’s online classes are so whole, not just an art lesson, but meditation, getting in touch with your spiritual side, grounding oneself to open your creativity. I can’t say enough of how wonderful the 2 classes I have taken have been for me. I use my art as life therapy and Alena’s approach has really deepened my experience and helped me listen to my inner voice.

  27. I am a woman of a certain age who is just now starting to explore the artistic side of me as a journey for healing, spirituality, and self-awareness. I just signed up for your Year of Painting 2019 online class and am so excited to learn about art and about myself. I’ve never been artistic & was very discouraged by school art teachers to believe you had to be able to truly draw people, things, landscapes in order to be an artist. I’m learning otherwise & want to prove them wrong by being artistic now.
    I would love to win Tam’s book as I believe it will help guide me on this journey upon which I am embarking. Thank you!!

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