Magic is Alive, Magic is Afoot

magicmakingcollabimagelargeWhat a total delight it was to travel to the quiet and still woods of Arkansas and greet the gifted and just adorable spirit of Mindy Lacefield. How I met this darling lady was some time back Mindy wrote to me the sweetest message after reading my book. She expressed the impact it had on her creatively and we began a pleasant and inspired dialogue. I became enchanted when I began to look at her work– and saw that she was a professional and accomplished artist herself who traveled around the States teaching workshops as well. Then later that year she came to an art retreat where I was teaching and took one of my classes and I was further enchanted by the way in which she worked. I saw that we had a symbiotic and harmonious thought process and style of making art, as well as how we viewed life and what intentions or dreams to hold sacred. Thus the idea of collaboration was born. Finally we came together and for about a week straight we painted, sparkled, spilled, and deeply reflected on what we valued most as artists. We realized that creating is a form Magic * Making — where you uncover your own authentic visual language and voice, which naturally brings forth art that has the extra special something– whether its cute, quirky, romantic, spontaneous, messy, or balanced, unified, and beautiful. It can be any and all of things really. But truly its about bringing out that shine through your own intuitive process and spirit of play. And yes, as you may have gathered, this class was a total joy to make. Mindy and I will share with you our deep love of color combinations, poetry, fine glitter, fluorescents, our favorite surfaces to work on, and just ways to make your work come alive — and feel so while you are doing it.

So with all that being shared…TAH-DAH! I am honored to present our new class. Early bird registration (limited spots–my feeling is that they will go quickly as a Year of Painting did) is now open!

ning_new_magicmakingAlso this would not be a party without some gifts! I am giving away one free spot in this class if you share it with on Facebook (the top collaborative painting image if preferred, see my page to share also) and leave a comment on this post telling me you did so. Also, you can win the painting that Mindy and I did together by leaving a comment on her blog as well after you have shared it on Facebook and/or your blog. This painting is very special to us so both and honestly was a little hard to give away! But its worth if if you join in the magic with us… because oh goodness, magic is alive and afoot (ode to Mr. Leonard Cohen) and I am filled to the brim to come together in this spirit. Lets make it happen together.

UPDATE: The winner of is Kim Smith! Congratulations Kim… until then sweet creators, early birds spots are filling up and you can assure your spot by registering here. The price will soon go up once this tier is full. Thanks all for entering and we look forward to making magic with you.

43 thoughts on “Magic is Alive, Magic is Afoot

  1. I shared on Facebook and am so excited with your collaboration with Mindy. She’s been one of my fav’s for the past couple years, and I love what it looks like you’re doing with her.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  2. I SO want to win this class!!! I’m on unemployment and can’t afford it. Crossing all my fingers and toes that I win! šŸ™‚ I have shared this on my Facebook page. šŸ™‚

  3. Wow what a perfect combination of two extremely talented artist that I adore. Definitely magical. Can’t wait! I shared on facebook too <3

  4. oh yes!! I am sharing on facebook and would love to win this class. thank you so much! carlanda

  5. I have taken many of Mindy’s classes and she most certainly is a wonderful artist & teacher!
    It would be amazing to take a class with double the talent!!
    So I am off to share this exciting project on Facebook!
    Hugs to you both,
    Sue x <3 x

  6. Wow! Looks like a fabulous collaboration between two magical people. Am loving the mashup of your styles. Definitely shared this with my friends! Would love to win a spot in class!

  7. Oh my what an exciting gift you two beautiful artists are offering. I would love to win a spot so much! I read your book a few months ago and was also inspired, so it’s great to see more of you online now! I am also taking Mindy’s True Free Spirit class right now and it is life-changing, so I can only assume how this collaborative course will be. Thanks for the opportunity!


  8. Alena, I adore your work and would love to be a part of this. Your book and workshop last year were such an inspiration to me!
    –Sandy Michaels

  9. Alena I love this. I enjoyed your class so much last year, it changed my life I can honestly say on many leveks. I’d love to be a part of this class. I’d be honored.

  10. Thank you everyone for sharing… we love you. Remember to leave a comment as many are sharing but not leaving comments (we apologize for the confusion) but I need your email for the draw. I’ve gotten early bird spots registered on here too but have not joined the group yet so to assure you get that savings you may want to register now and if you win give it to a loved one…? Just a thought. Xo

  11. I would love a free class with you two ladies.I have participated in a few on-line classes now and love the mix of people and learning that occurs. I signed up for a class with Mati but because of personal circumstances have not really painted. I have enjoyed the distraction though. Good for you two getting together..collaboration is potent.KAT X
    p.s have facebooked it…Kat Taiaroa Dunedin NZ

  12. Thanks for the opportunity to win..can’t wait for the class to begin!! Also for the chance to get to know you both through the lessons!!! Sharing on FB:)

  13. OMG, I can’t believe I won!!!!! I’ve NEVER won a contest before!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!! I am so excited!!!!! THANK YOU so much!!! šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ I am SO doing the happy dance right now! šŸ™‚

  14. I just shared on my page. because this totally speaks to me!! LOVE the whole magic making ness of it. Just been sitting up in my room writing words so so similar. well magic featured…and art…. and as I am imagining exactly what sort of thing i want to do in my life……. I really would love to come on the Call of the Wild Soul retreat…. but its a long way away from me…. am still thinking on it however…… wishes. magic. i know it exists……

  15. Io in questo quadro vedo la voglia di liberarsi dagli schemi. Vedo un sole ed un cappello nello stesso oggetto. Come se togliendo i propri limiti chiunque possa trovate ispirazione! Io nei miei quadri sto cercando questo

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