The Art of Letting Go & The Roots of Courage


The more I spend time with loved ones in my life, the more I realize how much transformation and awakening is happening within all of us. It feels like a quickening effect is happening on this divinely beautiful and intense Earth School. I have come to realize more and more that the practice of forgiveness/letting go has such an immense power to transform our lives. One of my teachers once told me when you judge or hold resentment to another, its like a karmic link you keep to their actions. So to forgive is to be set free… to set yourself free. I also know its of utmost value to start by forgiving yourself first and then others, and sometimes, or even ultimately, whatever you denote as God/Universe, or a higher power.

One thing I have come to understand with the art of forgiveness is that it is not a one time occurrence, but a practice. To let go of the past is something to renew each day, so that we can be present and receive the gifts of what is occurring in our lives in every moment. One wonderful and exquisite benefit of letting go and forgiving is liberation from the occurrence. You invite more happiness into your life. What a simple and loving gift to give to oneself.

Then once we have become more consistent in the art of letting go, we need to invite courage into our lives. Courage is one of my favorite words. I find it delicious in many ways, from its spelling to pronunciation. But what I especially adore is it origin. It originates from 13th century French word cuer, which means core, or heart. So to live a life of courage means to live a life from the heart.

So I will leave you with this little gem from Deepak Chopra:

ā€œIn the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. It will be a permanent Self, rooted in awareness and creativity. Once you have captured this, you have captured the worldā€


7 thoughts on “The Art of Letting Go & The Roots of Courage

  1. your magic keeps touching my heart!! i adore your spirit, the color of your life, and the distinct spark that makes you, YOU!
    ps. i’m coming to Squam!! i can’t wait to meet you darling girl.

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