A Grand Giveaway: Winners Announced

My annual giveaway is upon us and it’s totally the best ever.

The list of super amazing prizes:

~ A space in my brand new A Year of Painting (going to be SO fab this year).
~ An original painting.
~ A **very sweet discount** to a retreat/workshop hosted by me.
~ One on one mentor and/or reading session with me.
~ A free space in any ecourse of your choice.
~ Hot off-the-press new oracle deck my Mom and I creating! Handsigned!


>>> To enter, follow these rules below, each rule met counts as one entry. Comment when complete to let me know how many entries you have completed (we will be checking).Ā 

PS. Very exciting news listed after, don’t miss it!

  1. Find me on Instagram, follow me and share a favorite painting of yours by me or one you did in class already on YOUR Instagram and tag me @alenahennessy, sharing why you want to win or anything you fancy really.
  2. Share on Facebook this very Giveaway blog post and tag me.
  3. Sign up for my museletters if you have not already.
  4. Bonus entry: if you tag friends and let them know about my giveaway on this post on Insta (my latest) and you could win a painting of your choice too!

Then simply comment below and let me know why you need any of these things in your life and how many entries you have completed.

> > > List of Winners < < <

A Year of Painting: Rose Ketring

Oracle Deck: Jennifer Tara Takahashi

Painting: Jesha Jones

Any ecourse of your choice: Marissa G

Discount on a retreat: Cat Ellison

Mentor sesson: Rachel Urista


So this next year is going to be totally superb. Gifts to be given, more personal interaction, rich lessons that give you more studio time, and more. Read all about it here. *The Early Bird tier tends to fill up quick and it’s even a better deal this year as the price has gone up for A Year of Painting.*






112 thoughts on “A Grand Giveaway: Winners Announced

  1. Hi Alena! I just signed up for A Year of Painting but would love to win any of the other prizes. I’ve shared on social media and already a part of your newsletter, so thats 3 entries for me. Your classes have meant the world to me! Thank you, Janet

  2. PICK ME PICK ME! They all sound amazing, Id love any of them! Ive done everything… I love your classes SO MUCH. They have been life changing.

  3. Hi Alena, Susan here. I would love to win, especially a discount to a retreat or a painting, or the oracle deck. I have shared on Facebook and Instagram. I am already a part of your museletter.

  4. Hi love,
    I need to win a) because my soul is yearning to express itself through paint and art, b) because you are a fabulous and inspiring teacher, c) because we would have so much fun together d) because I’m pretty bad-ass at networking and marketing d) because the universe loves me (and you too!) e) because Lakshmi has deemed it so!!
    Posting away on FB and instagram. Twitter and Pinterest?

    1. I also want to add that I’ve loved art ever since I was a baby and when I got married and had kids, I kind of set it to the side for a while and lost myself and now my youngest just started Kindergarten so I feel like I have the time and the freedom now!! But I also feel like I need a little help finding myself again and getting some inspiration!

  5. Hi Alena, My Dad recently passed away and left a huge hole in my life so I’m returning to doing artwork after many years away. I began my career as an art teacher, then spent many years teaching young children and planning creative art projects focussing on the styles of famous artists, but had no time for my own art. So recently I found you online. I bought two of your books to learn about mixed media and am taking 6 lessons on acrylic painting (my former media was watercolour) here in my home city. A Year Of Painting would be so healing now that my parents are gone. Thanks for this opportunity to enter.

  6. I would love to have a free painting course (e). I have chronic pain and fatique from 2 accidents that has left me not being able to work. Art was calling to me from the beginning. I would like to be able to produce art that I can sell on line. I work on art when I can and rest when needed. Again one of your free courses would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Hi Alena,
    I already follow you on instagram @bex_made_me, I shared one of your paintings I love on there and tagged my friend to the giveaway post. I already receive your museletter and shared on my facebook Rebecca Ruff.
    I would love to learn from you on your new course or any of your courses and any of your artwork would be very much loved if I was so lucky to win. All of your prizes sound amazing. Thank you my lovely. Good luck to all.
    Rebecca x

  8. I did all the ways to win and would love any of the prizes! I CANNOT wait to see your oracle deck- sounds amazing. Congrats for birthing that! I took your year of painting last year and miss it! Thank you for your beauty and inspiration! Namaste.

  9. Hi Alena. I posted in Facebook and am signed up for your museletters but have only recently started instagram so I don’t quite know how to tag you there. Learning! I am throwing in for the year of painting or the oracle deck or a painting -just anything as I love your work and would welcome an exchange or sharing of energies. Namaste!

  10. Hi, Alena! I’m hoping for a discount to an otherwise unreachable retreat! Three entries for me! Thanks so much!

  11. Hi, I did all the things. There are 4 entries, i think. I would love to win a spot!
    got my fingers crossed too! Thanks..

  12. So I already was lucky enough to win a course with you before and I loved it so much!!! I really want to win a painting because I just moved and can’t afford high quality artwork quite yet and yours is outrageously fabulous!!!ā¤ā¤ Someday I will take a course with you too. And I wanted to share because I know my friends would love you tooāœØā¤āœØ

  13. I have shared this post on FB and am already signed up for your newsletters. I think your Year of Painting would give me the inspiration and focus I crave. Thanks for this giveaway!

  14. WOW…..Alena…what for a big opportunity…..you are so generous….I am interested in A Year of Healing or ArtBiz…will see….and God will do…..thank you very much!!!

  15. Hello! I recently purchased your book, “Intuitive Art Workshop” and it arrived while I was in the amazing mountains of West Virginia. Got it late last night and I have never seen a book so full of beauty. Fighting depression and perfection, it’s been very difficult to believe in myself.

    I would love to win a seat in your upcoming course because I want to be driven by intuition, not perfection in my art. I know my intuition is in me somewhere, but I would like to have it come to me again and again instead of little places here and there.

    BTW, I entered four times šŸ™‚

  16. Dear Alena,
    Thank you for your generous shining big heart that you offered a spot and painting for the lucky one.
    I love your works and your lessons too.

    I would see your beautiful painting in my wall. šŸ™‚

    Love and hug from Budapest

    Shared on fb and on my blog, and tagged friend on Inta, already on your newsletter list, tagged you on my painting so its is 6 entry.

  17. Hello lovely! I posted on fb, twitter and a couple on pinterest as well. I also signed up for the museletter. Your spirit is a lovely warm light and I’m inspired by your presence, your art and your soul. <3

  18. What a wonderful giveaway!! I’ve been following you for a long time (I have almost all your books!!) but life (or finances) always got in the way to follow one of your courses so THANK YOU for this opportunity. šŸ™‚
    – I was already subscribed to your newsletter
    – Sharing the post at facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/LivKaruna/posts/10156557845408294?pnref=story)
    – Tagging friends on instagram below your post.
    – I didn’t follow you yet on instagram (oopsie) but I do now! (I tend to follow people at FB more), and I reposted a current fave painting, tagged you in it. šŸ™‚

    Much love <3 <3

  19. Would love to be part of the class, so amazing. I am following you on Instagram and signed up for your newsletter, thank you so much.

  20. Ive done all 4! Your classes have meant the world to me. And the loving community. I will sign up for A Year of Painting anyway but here is my wish hoping to win.

  21. Thanks for the opportunity. I need all of this to continue finding beauty in the chaos. I have ptsd from the military. Your art and influence has helped me find new coping skills. I really would love the oracle deck. I did all of four. ā¤ļø

  22. Wow so much awesomwness! I’ve completed 3 entries (newsletter signup, following on IG & tagged my mom). I’d love a spot in any of your courses, I need a good dose of something fresh in my painting, and I’m curious about the oracle deck too!

  23. I’m learning to receive and opening up to the world of art. I’d benefit greatly from instruction/guidance/support :). One official entry at this point.

  24. Hello there ! Im super excitec about this. Last year i dove into a different, my 1st ever, year long art course and am loving it. Art was put to the wayside a lot over tje years because of work and parenting and life ya know but i got injured at work over a year ago and was really spiraling into del depression. I used art to pull me out. It is definitely therapy for me. Helps me deal with daily pain as i struggle through this work comp craziness. Only making 2/3 of my pay doesnt help either. But im rambling, i shared on FB and instagram where I already follow you. I am subscribed to your museletter. So I think im in for 3 or 4 ā˜ŗ i didnt really understand #1, not sure if i was supposed to post a pic of something ive done or what but i did share on insta ā˜ŗā˜ŗā˜ŗ

  25. Hi! I did all 4 entries and I would love to study with you because I just started painting again after a very long time of not painting. Your work is beautiful and I love your books!

  26. well, i Need this gift (thanks for the opportunity:) because- i am an Artist, but i have fallen out of ‘creating’ anything at all….. your course would- 1) inspire, 2) Keep me Creating 3) and Move me Forward –
    Thanks so much!
    Love Nikki
    (3 entries please)

  27. Hi Alena just shared on Instagram and Facebook! Of course I’m going to sign up for A Year of Painting whether I win or not – such s fun class and love your art. Thanks for the many months of inspiration! Ellen

  28. Hi Alena . I love your work , your spontaneous and intutive use of colour and your paintings always make me smile . I would love to win any of your prizes if I am choosen and hope many people continue to be inspired by you . Kamala Todd

  29. Aloha! I’m so excited about this giveaway! I need the “Year of Painting” in my life! I run a trauma-informed art workshop program as a full-time volunteer in Hawaii. I work with the homeless, drug/alcohol treatment programs, incarcerated women that have been released, veterans, domestic violence victims, adult survivors of child abuse, and human trafficking survivors. I adore what I do! In order to avoid burnout, I have to set aside time and space to create and I think this class would be perfect! As a volunteer, I would never be able to afford to take a class like this so winning it would be a dream come true!

    Mahalo nui loa (thank you so much) for sharing your talent with the world!

    I shared this post on fb and tagged you, tagged 10 friends on IG, and shared my fave globe of yours on IG.

  30. Hi Alena – what a wonderful opportunity. It would be a real blessing to win a spot in your class for 2018. I shared the giveaway on FB. Fingers crossed. Hugs!

    1. Awesome!!
      Was allready ubscribed
      Shared on Instagram
      Shared on fb
      Tagged a friend on Instagram

      And now crossing my fingers big time!! ā¤ļø ā¤ļø

  31. I would love to win a spot on this course. I am moving house at the moment and getting a new art studio at the new house. It would be a fabulous way to start the new year in a new house with a whole new art challenge to complete!

    I have taken a couple of classes with you before Alena and really loved them.

    I have shared on Facebook and am on your newsletter list too! So that’s two lovely entries from me <3

    xo Sarah

  32. Dear one, your classes have meant the world to me. I’ve done all entries. He’ll be signing up for your painting again because it has brought me so much creative joy. Thank you for all you do . Jen

    1. Hey everyone- amazing entries coming in! If you could please let me know how many tasks you have done. Meaning out of fourā€¦ One of four, three of four that helps us calculateā€¦ Thank you and best of luck !!

  33. I’d love to win this amazing package, as art is the only side-effect free way to “treat” health struggles. It brightens my day, inspires me, and opens my world up to many new places, even if I’m stuck at home for a time. šŸ˜‰ Your particular style is vibrant, cheerful, and imaginative. Who wouldn’t want in on a class that inspires those things?

  34. Dearest Alena, your classes have meant so much to me! I have done all 4 entries. I would love and be honored to win any of your generous prizes.

  35. Oh this looks sooo good. Please me, I would love to win. I get your newsletter which I love. I have shared on FB and IG. xo!

  36. Hi Alena Hennessy… this completed all 4 components! Thank you for giving from your , and being so generous!!! Love this give away! Love your art! Love your teaching! One day I would love to paint with you!!! Your art talks to the soul with the subtle messages you share. Love being in your painting Journey! Thank you for always shaing your gifts.

  37. I would love one of your paintings! I’m slowly upgrading my apartment piece by piece, and the walls definitely need some decorations! I subscribed to your newsletter! šŸ™‚

  38. So grateful for the amazing giveaway!! I commented on Instagram (heartinspiredlife). Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

  39. Thank you Alena for generously offering this giveaway. You inspire me to create from the deepest parts of my soul, to allow my heart to speak openly in visual language. This takes courage and brings the truest gift of all… self discovery.

  40. I LOVED A Year of Painting (twice) and Year a year of healing. These classes totally opened up the connection between my mindfulness practice and my art. But I neeeed a retreat, girl! And it isn’t in the cards for me. You and your artwork are incredibly inspiring and I’d love to meet you in person and experience some of the magic!!! Also, owning some artwork or any of the other generous giveaway items would be amazing, of course ā˜ŗļø

  41. I am having such a good time this year and I can not wait for next year! I have shared on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you so much for the healing gift of art!

  42. Shared my latest painting on Instagram @AngelwolfPhotography, plus tagged 3 friends, I am a subscriber, and shared on FB under Bo N Tami Shurling! Would love to win a spot!

  43. Dear Alena, I love your work & have already sign up for the museletter and shared your post on FB šŸ™‚ I don’t need to join the workshop, but I’d love to join <3 because of the inspiration & goodvibrations you share…
    Lobve, Stefanie

  44. What a peach you are for offering these sweet giveaways! I’ve completed 3 of 4 and I even signed up for A Fabulous Year of Painting as a gift to myself. Hopefully, I’ll be able to join you for a retreat one day. Why? Because I’m struggling to rise from the ashes and soar like a phoenix (it is the Chinese year of the fire chicken, right?) and I need something to look forward to now. Thank you for sharing your (he)artwork/soul paintings and for being a mirror for so many brave lights to shine. Peace, Sweetie, Ms M

  45. Hello beautiful Alena! The word “need” isn’t quite wanting to come play with me right now šŸ™‚ but the reason I, let’s say, *could use* any one of the delicious things you described in this post is …

    Painting was lifting me and bringing me magic for a year or two during the heart of a profound healing journey … It felt like what I was here in this world to do and what a blessing to have discovered it.

    (Right? I bet so many of us share this same story.)

    Well last winter I allowed increased symptoms to convince me to put down my paintbrush for probably around 7 months. (What was I thinking?) It just felt too hard to sit up and paint.

    Suddenly last month I remembered how very much painting means to me. I became determined to find a way to balance the energy that sitting up to paint takes … with the energy that painting *gives* to me. (So much! It’s one of the things dearest to my heart and my spirit.)

    So … to make a long story really not all that much shorter šŸ˜‰ (sorry ’bout that!) the reason I could use any one of the amazing things you described is this …

    When I came across your Instagram profile and clicked on a few of your paintings, I felt completely inspired, eager to explore, and lifted in my spirit (which feels an awful lot like a beautiful little balloon gently pulling my body up by the chest, all floaty and magic.)

    So that’s why.

    Thank you for asking.

    And thank you for painting these beautiful things that have magic like that in them.

    (PS I did 2 entries. )

  46. Hi Alena, I definitely would love and appreciate a one-on-one mentorship/reading time with you. I am just setting out with my business plan named – ‘Wendy Fairy Art takes the World by Storm!’ And, the Fairies are helping greatly, but I am on the steepest learning curve of my life, & it feels more like a vertical ascent and I am absolutely LOVING every moment! But, would you throw me some rope of experience, please? Similar to a little piece of magical Elvin rope from Lord of the Rings…? I will pop it into my tiny-travelling-art-studio as we live in our camper-van full time and travel around Europe. Xx I already am signed up for your ‘muse-letters,’ & I shared on my Facebook Page too (I don’t know how to for Instagram!). Thank you so much for these very fine offerings, sending many blessings either way. xXx

  47. I ve already being following two e-courses, bought your books, expand through the support of women in your groups…and the beauty that is in each painting and process…it would be beautiful to be on this path again…thank you… already in the Muse Newsletter, I ve posted on Fb and Instagram xxx

  48. These paintings are so beautifully inspired I am on a journey to discover my own style so any help from how you got there would be wonderful:)

  49. I, too, just signed up for A YEAR OF PAINTING and I cannot WAIT!!! I completed all but the tagging on IG (technical difficulty!!) I would love to have one of your paintings to add to the energy in my creative space and I am SUPER-EXCITED about your oracle deck!! *hint *wink! I just finished an oracle deck based on playing cards!!! Looking forward to working with you, learning from you and enjoying the space you are creating here for all of us to gather and share!

    Aerie <3

  50. I need your beauty in my life to admire on a daily basis!
    I’m not sure how many entries I have but it’s a bunch. Thank you dearly for the creative and artistic inspiration. I admire you greatly.

  51. I am praying that God will give you wisdom and discernment in picking just the right person to win your wonderful class. I’ve read such great posts and it will be hard. I just love to encourage others to paint, create, dream, and paint some more. Love your work. I can’t sign up for the class but I will be happy for someone.
    Janet H.

  52. I took the year if painting while I was on maternity leave with my second child. Your class gave me and my oldest something to do together while the baby napped and got me painting again after a multi year hiatus. I’d love to take the updated class or won a painting to remind me of what I get when I paint and how good it is for my soul. Thank you!

  53. Hi Alena and thank you SOOOO much for this amazing opportunity to win a wonder! I posted the Giveaway on my FB page, tagged 3 people on your Insta post and tried with all my might to post a favorite of both yours and mine in Inst (which I don’t think worked properly – still a newbie). This is very exciting…you started me back on my art path, and the confidence is building. I feel like I may be on the cusp of sharing. Love xoxo

  54. I would just love to do A Year of Painting again. That class rocked. I was able to do 3 entries

    Dana Fieldson

  55. HI Alena, I love your energy and the way you teach… so nourishing for me! Your classes are the best. I did all 4 entires, please check.

    Catherine Ellison

  56. Alena…Even before I met you on the retreat I could sense that you embody such a wonderfully free spirit with the grounded, giving mission to share joy with the world. I am absolutely in love with all the wonderful work that you do!! The short weekend I spent learning from you on the Soulful Summer Retreat was truly magical! It makes me smile whenever I think of all that I learned and the incredible soul sisters that you brought together. Whenever I try to describe it to friends, the words don’t quite seem to capture the magic. I would be truly honored to win any one of the items in the giveaway, but it would be so amazing to hang one of your pieces on my wall to inspire me everyday. I can’t wait for BALI!!!!

    ~ Rochelle Fox
    (I did all 4 entries, of course!)

  57. Hello Alena, I have shared on Facebook and Twitter, tagged friends in your instagram post, shared one of my paintings or rather an art journal page since I haven’t done very much painting. I was already signed up for your newsletter and I am now following you on instagram. Would love to be part of the course and learn more techniques in painting. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  58. 3 entries for me please! I’ve shared a painting on IG, tagged someone on your post, and am already on your list.

    You are such an inspiration to me and my creative journey. As I said on my IG post, you were one of the first artists I followed as I began to get back in touch with my creative side… and you continue to inspire!

  59. Hi beautiful! xo Glad to enter šŸ™‚ in the following ways: I’ve been following you on instagram for a long while now. Just shared one of my favorite paintings I did inspired by you at one of your weekend retreats. I also love receiving your museletters and tagged a friend on your instagram give-away post. I’d love any of the fabulous treats you’re giving away! I’m especially excited to see your new oracle cards. I definitely hope to attend another retreat one of these days and love all your art and courses as well. All wonderful offerings! Best wishes to everyone that has entered and to you, sweet soul! Much love, Julia/Jules

  60. Hi Alena, it would be so awesome to win anything. I loved taking A Year of Painting a few years ago and this one sounds even better. Count me in please!

  61. Ive done all four and tagged you! Please check! I would love to win — you have inspired me for a long while now. Blessings!!

  62. Oh how I would luv to win a spot.. I am currently in your year of painting course, loving every lesson… I would luv to learn more from you, be able to dig deeper into my own soul and process with your guidance šŸ™‚
    I have shared on fb,
    and I have uploaded an image to my instagram and
    tagged you as well.
    oh yah have been on your list since 2015 lifebook where I was introduced to you
    Thank you for your generosity this give away is amazing.

  63. Dear Alena!
    I just signed up for A Year of Painting, but would love to win any of the other amazing prizes. <3
    Iā€™ve shared on social media, tagged a Friend on Insta and already a part of your newsletter, so thats 4 entries for me.
    Warm regards

  64. Hi Alena,

    Thank you for this offering! I did all four tasks, so I suppose that makes me get four entries? My facebook handle https://www.facebook.com/strongsallie and my instagram is @strongsallie, just in case your’e checking. šŸ™‚

    I painted frequently before I had kids, the oldest of which is 17. Recently, I’ve been trying to develop a visual language, but nothing is clicking for me. I’ve recently gotten a new job and a divorce too, so I have lots to work out, and I’d love to work it out on paper!

    Love your work and warm spirit.
    ~Sallie Shuford

  65. I would adore any of your prizes, but am particularly hopeful for either a spot in A Year of Painting or a discount on one of your retreats! After meeting you through Life Book 2014, I’ve been a fan/follower and as an intuitive artist I admire your process/style SO much!

  66. I’m so excited! Four entries (I think). Winning this would be a dream come true! I’m on my way to becoming an art teacher and would love to get some of your insight and wisdom. Your work is truly original and aw inspiring, keep it up, girl. xoxo

    -Christina West

  67. Oh my gosh hello! I just saw then chnce to enter your amazing giveaway and hope I’m in on time! I reposted one of your gorgeous paintings on my Instagram (1),
    Shared this log postband tagged ypunon Facebook (2), and signed up for your newsletter (3). I have to say- I feel like I’m on the brink of reclaiming something I’ve been working towards (and yet running away from) for a very very long time within my work. I think what you offer could help me grab onto it (so to speak)!! Thanks for the chance to win some amazing offers! āœØāœØ

  68. Thank you for the chance to win – this looks aaaamazing.
    Your work really speaks to me and the fact that you teach is really standing out to me- I feel like I am on the edge of something that I’ve been holding back from for YEARS in my own art, as if I am so close to reclaiming something that I’ve been glimpsing in my work…and caught here and there. The chance to participate in your class, get news or coaching, or just be in the presence of one of your pieces would be and incredible blessing… Thank you again!
    I should have 3 entries – instagram repost, facebook post, and museletter sign up! HOoray!

  69. Shared on FB, didn’t manage to tag you (yet) but send a friend request ;). Also signed uo for your newsletter but didn’t get a confirmation, please add me manually (t.m.van.den.broek@gmail.com). And yes, I would love to win, especially the course, as I need more inspiration in my life to getmy mojo flowing. Please enter me in the drawing, thank you!

  70. I need to win a space in your brand new A Year of Painting ecourse because my heart and soul are longing for more fluid space. When I look at your paintings they help me to feel that which my soul is longing for. I need to learn how to paint this way so that I have an active way to bring about this feeling in my life.

    I’ve done 4 entries (I’m on your newsletter list, shared on Facebook and Instagram and I also tagged a friend on your Instagram post.)

  71. Your artwork is amazing! This is a generous gift to win your art classes. Thank you for this opportunity!

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