A Big Beautiful Giveaway

Since it’s the New Moon in Sagittarius, which is popping with sweetness, optimism and divine spark, I thought it apropos to have a gorgeous giveaway.

I’m giving the following away to those who enter:

To enter simply do the following:

  1. Sign up for my museletters (sent out 2 – 3x a month).
  2. Follow me on Instagram @alenahennessy and tag a 3 or more friends on my latest Giveaway post.
  3. Bonus points for sharing a painting and tagging me on Instagram and/or Facebook.

Important: let me know what you have done in the comments below! This is how you officially enter. I will announce the winners after the Thanksgiving holiday. If you have already signed up for my museletters and follow me, no worries, just let me know. You still have a good chance of winning. If you have already purchased A Year of Painting, you get your money back!

As for this New Moon, let your heart’s wishes and desires be spoken and known today and tomorrow at sunrise. Feel the blessing and expansion. You’ve worked hard all year and dove deep into shadow-realm, unearthing the next steps in yours and the collective’s conscious evolution. So it’s time for a little electric celebration–a time to write down, paint, dance and sing the bones of your deepest dreams and visions. Let’s make 2020 the most magical authentic year yet, where living from our hearts comes easy like butterflies dancing on the vine, like the hummingbird gathering nectar.

all my love, alena hennessy x

Thank you to all who entered the big beautiful giveaway.

Here are the list of winners:

1. Jennifer Riehl, Penny JC Pan, & Nancy BuckenhamĀ won spots inĀ A Year of Painting.Ā 
2. Maria Guggino won the ArtBiz mentorship session.
3. Jules Ostara won anĀ original paintingĀ of her choice.
4. Jenny Messerle won a scholarship to a futureĀ workshop.
5. Rebecca Fisher won ourĀ Oracle Deck.

165 thoughts on “A Big Beautiful Giveaway

  1. #1 āœ…
    #2 āœ…
    #3 āœ…
    I would love nothing more than to dance my way into 2020 with a scholarship to one of your magical workshops! It would be a true dream come true. xx

      1. What a wonderful Give Away! I also would love to win – fyi I cannot wait to start A Year of Painting`2020 !

        1. Have been following your insta for a while! Tagged 3 people on Instagram the giveaway sounds amazing and would infuse my year with growth and beauty
          The newsletter is how I learned about this giveaway!

        2. What a generous giveaway Alena. Amazing. I have tagged three friends, I am a muse letter subscriber and added a painting to my instagram stories. Doing another Year of Painting would be divine xx

      2. I do all of th requirements even before entering. This is my third year on A Year if Painting. I would kid love to win a painting ā¤ļø Or a workshop.

      3. Canā€™t quite figure out how to leave a comment that isnā€™t a response. I hope thereā€™s still time to enter! I joined the newsletter, followed on IG and will post a painting on Pinterest where I have over 1000 followers! ā¤ļø

    1. Hi Alena
      Iā€™ve tagged three friends and reposted one of your gorgeous paintings on my insta and fb page šŸ™‚ and already subscribed to your ever inspiring muse letter šŸ™‚
      Thanks for being so generous with your giveaways and Iā€™m sure who ever wins one of your goodies will be so inspired !

    2. Is it too late??? It would be a dream! Iā€™ve had the hardest year of my life and this would be the best thing for me for 2020.

  2. So far I shared this on my personal FB page, my two biz FB pages Lighted Path Coaching and Art Studio and Susan Miller – Artist; and my coaching mastermind group for the Right Brain Business Plan. I will share more ways a bit later today! Thanks for the opp, Alena!

    1. Wow, what a great giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity. I am already signed up for your museletters and I tagged 3 friends. I am still trying to figure out how to share one of you lovely paintings and will get that done soon.

  3. Hi dear alena, I admire your work so much. I would love to win a spot in a year of painting! I’ve been dying to take it.

    1. Hello Alena, as I scrolled my photos for a painting you did in idyllwild to post I was filled with gratitude all over again for our time together. I’m THANKFUL to have connected with you. I’ve long been an IG follower, tagged IG friends for the drawing, and already receiving your lovely Museletter. Sending love to you

  4. Three shares. Three hashtags. One bonus photo posted of a painting, I completed for The Magnificent Color Club and Year of Painting. Always a pleasure to create with you …Robin in the Woods

    1. Oops corrected my mistake of posting one of my paintings done for your class and instead posted one of yours. All else is complete. My heart to your heart. Robin in the Woods

  5. Alena I have done all things and shared. I love your work. I would love to win A Year of Painting, the workshop or a painting! How very kind of you. You inspire

  6. Thank you sooooooo much for this chance! I’ve admired your vibe and work for a long, long time. It speaks to me and just seems to fit my heart and soul. Hope to have a class with you in the new year somehow.

  7. Alena, you are so generous with this giveaway. Instagram follow is done, along with 3 friends tagged. I am already a newsletter subscriber. Thank you for this amazing opportunity.

  8. I did also sign up for everything possible. Realized I wasn’t already following you on IG. Heavens! Hugs!

  9. Hi Alena,
    I am already suscribed to your newsletter and on your Instagram.
    I would love to be one of the lucky winner.
    Thank you and have a nice day

  10. Iā€™ve been eyeing your year of painting class for a while. Would love to join in! I belong for your newsletter list and I tagged 3 people on your Instagram giveaway post. Thanks for the opportunity!

  11. I followed you on IG, tagged 3 friends, and signed up for your museletter. Would love to win, especially one of your paintings!

  12. Learning and painting with yoy? What a glorious birthday present this would be!
    Completed all the stuff and this is my last step of entry. Fingers crossed! ā¤

  13. Sweet give-a-way
    Would love to win a year of painting
    Don’t really know who to tag on Instagram – but I already follow you as well as receive your newsletter …
    Soooo- I hope you’ll enter me!
    Thanks Alena, xo Nikki

  14. What a generous offering. Thank you for sharing so beautifully and it is an honor to share you with the world. I did all 3. I am still coming into my own as a painter and artist and would love the support of a community with you as guide šŸ™‚

  15. Follow on Instagram @bex_made_me tagged 3 friends and already subscribed to museletters. What an amazing giveaway, thank you Alena xoxo

  16. Hi, I am already a fan of your work. I follow you on instagram and I am already on your mailing list. I just posted one of my Alena Hennessy favourite paintings to my Facebook page. I love the idea of finding my true voice and I am dedicating 2020 to rediscovering my hidden artist – who has been afraid to come out in the sunlight. Your courses seem so inspiring. Getting ready to jump.

  17. Wonderful opportunities given Alena! Thank you. I was in a past course…A Year of Painting! I loved it and need to revisit your fun and thoughtful approach.

  18. Iā€™ve followed you on insta, tagged three friends, shared your giveaway post and am in the process of sharing a painting but a little tech challenged šŸ˜‰

    Thank you for this delicious giveaway and for sharing your passion!

  19. Was already receiving g the museletter, started following you on Insta( even though I was sure I already was- weird!) and tagged three people on that post.

  20. 1. Already signed up for your lovely museletters
    2. Already follow You on Instagram, but tagged 4 friends on my latest Giveaway post.
    3. Shared a few paintings and tagged you on Instagram.
    I would be so grateful to win any of the prizes. Itā€™s exactly what i need right now to kick start back into my art and to find my own path again.

  21. How exciting! Done, done, and done! Shared on Instagram and looking forward to transformation in 2020! Thank you Alena!

  22. Hello Elena I would love to take the class ā€œa Year if Painting againā€ I am now following on Instagram and get your muse letters. I have personally invited 2 friends on Facebook messenger to check out the class and will add others soon. Thank you for the opportunity to be inspired, excited and surprised.

    1. Hi ā€” just signed up for your giveaway … I already receive your newsletter, shared the giveaway info with three Instagram friends and Iā€™m following you on Facebook. Best wishes and happy Thanksgiving.

    2. Hello! I am very interested in your intuitive art work, retreats and learning courses! Im signed up on your newsletter, connected on instagram (follow on FB too), tagged three friends on your post, and reposted one of your pieces with all the tags!!

      thank you for the opportunity

    3. Hi Alena!! Thank you so much for the opportunities to winning your fabulous gifts. I have been following you for years and your paintings really speak to my heart. The color palettes in your work are so lovely and your art brings me so much happiness!!!

      I have been painting since 2010 and still havent found my own style that I’m happy with. I think the ecourse would really help me. I also love tarot and bet that your deck is gorgeous!

      I tagged 3 people on Instagram and shared a painting on Instagram under the name jlrpaints. I also signed up for your muse letters and cant wait to start recieving them.

  23. Ive been waiting for the moment that I can learn from you sister! I love you so much and feel honored to know you in person! We have had beautiful conversations. I would love the opportunity to spend a year with you in Painting land, or even some other awesome course!!!!! YAY!

    I have been subscribed to you forevs, on the museletter, and IG, and now I have shared your awesome new artwork and tagged you babe!!!!

    Love you!

  24. I did the three tasks! I hope I did right as I am not very good with social nets. BTW, I had shared your work before with friends, as I love so much your work. I am so proud about studying with you. If I win, I would love to have a scholarship or the oracle deck that must be gorgeous!

  25. Hi there Alena! I’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s to qualify as an entrant. I have already subscribed to your muse letters a long while back. Love your technique and work! It would be a blessing to win any one of your classes! Thanks for the opportunity and I hope I’ll be learning from you soon! šŸ™‚

  26. It would be so inspirational to be able to take a class with you in 2020! This would be a wonderful way to start the new year. Thanks for the opportunity to win! Disne

  27. Hi Alena,
    I’d love to take a year of painting again! What a lovely giveaway. I already received your newsletter, and I’m now following you on Instagram. I think I tagged 3 people–not quite sure if I did that right. And I tagged you on one of my year of painting paintings.
    Thanks! And happy thanksgiving–and blessings for the new moon.

  28. Tagged 3 folks directly on the giveaway post. Shared your fox painting with tags and hashtags galore. I already get your museletter at two different emails! And I already follow you on IG and FB. After attending your retreat, and taking a Year of Painting and the Mag Color Club, I’m ready for the new year, to expand, grow and focus in on who I am as an artist and the business of art. Thank you for your kind and generous spirit.

  29. Hi!!
    I am signed up for your museletter, follow you on Instagram and posted on Instagram about your lovely giveaway. I am enrolled in Color Club currently and look forward every month to introductions to new colors! Would absolutely love to be involved with a year of painting. Happy Holidays!!

  30. Yes please!! Iā€™m especially interested in your color series! I already am signed up and follow you on IG. Iā€™ll tag you on my most recent painting for sure! I love being part of your world.

    1. Hello! I am very interested in your intuitive art work, retreats and learning courses! Im signed up on your newsletter, connected on instagram (follow on FB too), tagged three friends on your post, and reposted one of your pieces with all the tags!!

      thank you for the opportunity

  31. Hi Again Alena! I am already signed up for your Museletters and Following you on Insta and signed up for 2020 YOP. So…… I did tag Four (4) friends on Insta in hopes that one of them would win your Gracious Giveaway and I would have a Buddy to Pain with next year!

  32. I would love to be includes, I already get your news letter and follow on Instagram. And love doing my year of painting. Love your style …vanessa black

  33. I am already a follower on Instagram and get your newsletter. Iā€™m a relatively new follower , but am so glad to have found you. Iā€™ve already joined the year of art and can not wait. But Iā€™d love to be considered for the other things in your beautiful giveaway. I tagged three friends on Instagram and posted one of my favorite paintings of yours.
    This past year has been one of deep trials and grief and I am so looking forward to your monthly inspiration to get back to my roots of releasing through creating. Iā€™m glad I found you!

  34. #1 and #2 completed. Iā€™m a long time museletter subscriber and Iā€™ve followed you in IG for ages. I took a Year of Painting a couple of years ago and would love to win your beyond generous giveaway. Happy Thanksgiving yā€™all!

  35. Wow, thank you for a great opportunity to take part in your giveaway Alena, it is greatly appreciated. Love your work! I am following you on Instagram, commented on your giveaway post there and tagged 3 friends. I am already subscribed to your newsletters and have just shared “Lean Back into Yourself” painting to my Facebook and tagged you. I would be honored and would absolutely love to win a spot in “A Year Of Painting” with you. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving. Kindest regards, Leana

  36. Thank you for the opportunity! I signed up and I’m following you on Instagram plus I tag three friends on Instagram also. Would love to have this opportunity since I absolutely love your work and would love to learn from you. ā¤ļø

  37. Iā€™m already a follower, on your list, tagged 3 people and shared on Instastory. Thank you for all of your generosity, I love learning from youā¤ļø

  38. Hello Alena!
    I signed up for the Museletter, tagged 3 friends on Instagram on your post about the giveaway and tagged you on a painting I posted on Instagram. On Instagram I go by elenizl with a picture of my Yellow Ladder. Yellow Ladder Studio is me!
    xxoo eleni

  39. This is very generous of you Alena !!!
    1,2,3 done !
    Would love to win a spot in a year of painting !!

    Thank you for this opportunity!!


  40. What a great giveaway! Thank you for your generosity. I am signed up for your museletters; follow you on Instagram; and shared one of your beautiful works on FB. Fingers crossed!

  41. Done and done (already a subscriber)! Such a fabulous giveaway – thank you for the chance to win, and for the amazing inspiration you provide!

  42. Thank You for being here to uplift me and so many in reconnecting with who we truly are amidst Lifeā€™s challenges .. As a new breast cancer survivor, it feels so exciting to get back to painting since I stopped in my 20s and now as a Mom of a young creative 4 yr old, I want to model living a more creatively expressive life and taking time to create beauty. I have posted your gorgeous art on my IG, I am excited to start The Year of Painting class .. I love your newsletter and have tagged my favorite creative artistic friends!! More posts to share how Your beautiful talents have inspired and helped me find my way back to loving life!

  43. This is the official way lol I have done what youā€™ve asked..youā€™ve liked what Iā€™ve shared on Instagram already! Personal connection is the world to me as a deaf artist. Even though itā€™s sharing for a comp itā€™s also giving people a chance to know about you and your art.. love connecting with artists and souls who value art expression.. Thank you and be blessed.. itā€™s our heart in the world isnā€™t it.. and art is how I connect and communicate and I absolutely love it sharing and connecting with you!

  44. I am so excited about your big giveaway!
    Iā€™m signed up for the muse letters.
    Iā€™ve tagged 3 friends.
    Iā€™ve tagged you in a post.
    Thanks so much for all your love and guidance.
    Iā€™ve learned so much about myself through my creative practice!

  45. I think I covered ALL the bases… LOL. I shared your post on FB and Instagram and tagged 5 friends on your post. I am signed up for your Museletter with 2 emails, I am now following you on Instagram, and I shared a painting of mine from your AYOP class! What a fantastic win-win for you and your students. Would LOVE to do your course again in 2020!

  46. Hi Alena ~
    I have completed all of the requirements (and then some), for entry into your give-away …. what a lovely way to bring in 2020! I have shared your Instagram post, tagged five of my artsy friends that I know would LOVE your courses, am already signed up for your Museletter (on 2 emails, no less!), shared a recent painting of mine from this year’s AYOP, and I tagged you on my posts! I think it even went to Twitter, but not 100% on that one…. LOL. This is such a nice win/win…. thank you for your generosity. xo

  47. I signed up for your newsletter, followed you on Instagram, tagged some friends, and shared a painting in my ig stories. šŸ™‚

  48. Tagged 3 friends on IG, signed up for newsletter, and shared on my FB page @IrelynsMusings
    I would so love to join you painting!

  49. 1.) signed up for Museletter
    2.) I follow you on Instagram and tagged 3 friends
    3.) Fingers crossed that I win . Thanks for the opportunity!

  50. I already have been getting your muse letters and I have been following you on Instagram. I would love to win a painting, a scholarship to your workshops or a another Year of Painting class.

  51. Alena, every month you brush my soul with creative inspiration and light up my heart with your openness and generosity of spirit! Then you offer up this most amazing giveaway too??!!! Wow! Looking so forward to AYOP 2020! I already receive your Museletter and follow you on Instagram, and just shared your giveaway post with 3 friends, encouraging them to give your course a try!

  52. Dear Alena,
    I would love to do more of your courses, your art work has had a huge impact on me since joining a Year of Painting this year. I am already a follower and really enjoy your thought provoking messages. Time is so precious,

  53. Hi Alena, I tagged 3 of my friends on Instagram, followed you on Instagram and signed for your newsletter. I also shared one of your beautiful paintings on Instagram šŸ™‚

  54. Thank you for your generosity! You are truly amazing and one of my favorite artists and Iā€™ve already been following you for years! I am signed up to your newsletter and Iā€™ve tagged 3 friends on Instagram. Thanks again for all that you do / offer and being so authentic, itā€™s truly refreshing.

  55. You are my inspiration, Alena! I adore your art work and really thank you sharing with us with your love of art. You lighten up my gloomy days.

    #1,2,3 all done!

  56. Already receiving your newsletter and following you on IG and I tagged 3 friends. Thank you for such a beautiful and generous giveaway

    1. Hi Alena, thanks for the opportunity to win some amazing prizes. Would love to give a workshop a go. Signed up, followed and tagged. Many thanks

  57. Yes to joy, ease, and gathering the nectar. I’ve tagged 3 friends that I love to paint and celebrate with. I already follow and get the muse letters. I would love any of the sweet offerings. Happy Thanksgiving to you Alena! So grateful for your beautiful presence in my life.

  58. Took a year class from you about 4 years ago? Since then have not done much as been balancing my life with guardianship of my grandson, almost 7 now. Look forward to a new year of adding art into my self care. Would love to win the prize. āŒā­•ļøāŒā­•ļø

  59. Hello Beautiful heart Alena,

    I’m am so excited and grateful to have the opportunity to enter the big beautiful giveaway.

    When my sister notified me (she is already signed up for the class) that you had a giveaway my entire spirit began to light up and sing! There is a divine spark within my heart to learn to be creative with painting and to let go of my inner critic. Right now I’m using wonderful step by step books but my heart truly desire a community and teacher to help me with my quest. This giveaway will help with my dream.

    I just turned 52 yesterday on the 26th! I told my daughter as we were hiking in the beautiful mountains of Montana that what I truly desired for the next 50 years of my life is to live a creative life filled with inspiration, this gift will be an amazing blessing.

    Sending loving wishes for all who have entered and the highest benevolent outcome to all.

    PS I subscribed to the newletter, sent out the amazing fox painting with a note of your giveaway to 3 of my friends who would also love the giveaway as well. I have a different email address for my instagram.

    Good luck to all – Michelle

  60. Tag 3 friends , subscribed the museletter and followed Instagram. Iā€™m you FB follower for a while. This giveaway would be the best blessing and birthday gift since Iā€™m also Sagittarius. Love your work, pattern, the way you present it on the canvas. Iā€™m now learning how to heal others through different media and form of art. Looking forward to the opportunity to join your online workshop and get scholarship. This would definitely help a lot of people as I will dedicate 100% what I learn to the world and spread love. Thank you again for this giveaway program!

  61. Tag 3 friends , subscribed the museletter and followed Instagram and share one of your painting to my FB. Iā€™m you FB follower for a while. This giveaway would be the best blessing and birthday gift since Iā€™m also Sagittarius. Love your work, pattern, the way you present it on the canvas. Iā€™m now learning how to heal others through different media and form of art. Looking forward to the opportunity to join your online workshop and get scholarship. This would definitely help a lot of people as I will dedicate 100% what I learn to the world and spread love. Thank you again for this giveaway program!

  62. 1 – already signed up for the museletters long time back
    2 – following you on instagram (i go by the name prettimessi) and tagged 3 friends
    3 – shared a beautiful painting on facebook and have tagged you.
    Thanks for the opportunity… I love your work and your color palette..

  63. 1ļøāƒ£ done āžæ I love being mused!
    2ļøāƒ£ done āžæ Long time follower and fan. I have a year of painting on my vision board.
    3ļøāƒ£ done āžæ My account is private, so you may need to request access to see? @lamonicajenny āšŖļø(added to last painting I made which was influenced In some way by your colors and spirit)

  64. Hi Alena, Iā€™ve tagged three friends, tagged you in my first painting in the Year of Painting class I took in 2018, Iā€™m already signed up for your muse letters, I follow you on Instagram and FB ā€ā™€ļø

  65. Newsletter ā™„ Check
    Insta Follow ā™„ Check
    Tagged 3 arty friends and family who would love your art ā™„ Check

    This is a fantastic giveaway! Awesome luck to everyone that’s entered šŸ™‚

  66. Thanks so much for this amazing offer! I LOVE the Year of Painting class and have learned so much. Iā€™m signed up for 2020 and a friend is joining us, too. Iā€™ve worked a lot with artists and creative types in my career and always respected and envied their talents. Itā€™s awesome to be finding my own artistic voice … and even being recognized for being somewhat good at it. I appreciate you and your work for inspiring that in me.

  67. Such an unbelievably generous giveaway! Thank you, Alena! I signed up for MuseLetters and already followed you on Insta šŸ™‚

  68. I have officially entered, what an amazing giveaway. As an artist I feel a little stuck sometimes in my own medium. I would be over the moon to get back in touch with my roots (painting). I for sure think your course could take me there. Blessing on your and happy thanksgiving!

  69. What a wonderful thing to do Alena. I am now following you on Instagram, I signed up for A year of painting, this will be my first time and Iā€™m tagging a friend on your page. Iā€™ve been laid up with a broken foot and in January I will be free from the couch to be able to join you in class. Iā€™m so excited. Thank you for the opportunity to gift my friends. ā€ā™€ļø

  70. Tagged 3 lovely friends. Been following you. Love your generosity in this giveaway. Any of those items would be enriching to my creative journey!

  71. Posted one of my favorites of your paintings on my FB page, already signed up and following you. I would love, love to win one of your paintings or any of your prizes! Thank you for the giveaway!!

  72. I already follow you and get your news! What a generous giveaway! I would love to win any of those things, especially the mentor session

  73. Iā€™ve tagged three friends, was already signed up for your newsletter. šŸ™‚ What a generous giveaway. Happy Thanksgiving!

  74. Dear Alena, thank you for this amazing giveaway! I have already signed up for the museletters and I’m following you on Instagram. Tagged 3 friends on yourGiveaway post. Lots of love, Stefanie

  75. Hi Alena, thanks for running such a fantastic giveaway! Already get your museletters and follow your gorgeous work on Instagram, and have tagged three friends. xx

  76. Dear Alena,

    I am following your insta for a while, receiving your heartful museletters and tagged 3 friends.
    I am one of the luckybirds in the Earlybird sale for a Year of Painting! I cannot wait to start for it is also a symbol of starting a new chapter in the 2nd half of my life (I am turning 50 january 8th:)……and I would really love to win another workshop or a painting!

  77. Hi Alena. Thank you so much for this give away!
    I’ve been getting your muse letters and following on IG for some time and have posted there and posted a little collage/painting and tagged you šŸ˜€
    It would be wonderful to win one of your in person workshops. I’ve been in a year of painting 2019 and have taken a few other of your on line courses. Thank you! <3

  78. Thank you Alena! I tagged you at Instagram on a mixed media work inspired by your class I took. Tagged 3 friends on the giveaway post and I signed up for the muse letters!

  79. I do all of the requirements even before entering. But I tagged four more friends. They already know that I love your work. Thanks for inspiring so many artists. (I hope this post is not too late – I had a busy holiday) Love your museletters. I usually wait to open them up so I can savor your messages and links. YOUR Oracle deck is divine. I would die and go to heaven if I had a chance to have an ArtBiz mentoring session. But to be in one of your classes would be especially exciting. So many months, I click over to your website, watch every video and think about how I would love to take one class or another. I have not had the money to sign up but hoping that is in my stars for 2020. Wishing you a beautiful holiday. Grateful for your inspiring good spirit.

  80. Hi Alena! Signed up for museletters, following and tagged friends on Instagram… for the bonus, do you want us to share one of your paintings specifically or is it acceptable to share something we created from AYOP? I’m happy to do either/both šŸ™‚

  81. Hi Alena. I already receive your newsletter and I follow you on Instagram. I have tagged three people and I posted a painting and tagged you on Facebook. (I hope the tag worked because somehow it wonā€™t highlight).

  82. Hi Alena. I already revive your muse letter and I follow you on Instagram. I have tagged three people and I have tagged you in one of my paintings on Facebook (although I hope the tag works since itā€™s not hilighting).

  83. Already following on IG and already receive newsletter. Tagged 3 people on your post and posted on my FB <3

  84. Thank you sooo much! Just tagged three friends. I know they will love following you, taking your classes. Just ordered materials today for A Year of Painting; can’t wait to get started! Over the moon about seeing my name in the Musings tomorrow!!

  85. Bam!! Tagged 3 friends, also reposted your Year of Painting post to my Facebook and tagged a friend to one of your FB posts also. The other items I have completed already wishing upon a star you choose me

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