Birth of a New Dream

gallery1agallery111070850_10152960843398122_7255553848934799032_o gallery2 gallery3 gallery4roots11069596_10152960843078122_5819647496415069363_o09-1-02 The Blue Ridge Mountains asheville retreat“Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.” – Anais Nin

For the past 6 weeks I have been working steadily (albeit if not obsessed) on opening up our new gallery, gift, and workshop space entitled rosewater. It’s been a total labour of love and I am beyond thrilled for this new adventure, even if I am rock solid tired come 9pm every night. Rosewater will be located in the heart of downtown Asheville, NC at 82 N Lexington Ave. If you have not visited Asheville yet, boy are you in for a treat. After all my travels I would humbly share that I find it to be the best place in the States to live. There are many reasons why I feel this way, which I will share later… but for now I just wanted to give an update on what I have been consumed with. I will be sharing more pics and links to the artists and crafters who will also be showing their work at the space. This has been a dream come true. The unfolding has been all green lights (in other words, no grinding, in total flow) and my partner and family have helped much to make it happen as well. My mother and I will be running the space, along with support from my best girlfriends and of course Matthew. Anyway, more soon… but to keep updated or invited to the opening party, subscribe to my museletter list.

Here’s to dreaming, which in other words, is just another form of making plans… xoxo

8 thoughts on “Birth of a New Dream

  1. This is so wonderful!!! I love the transformation pics. Congratulations on the beautiful space, I’m sure a lot of magic will happen there! I will be in Asheville at the end of the month I’d love to come by!!

  2. WOW!!! super happy for you Alena šŸ™‚ This is such a lovely place šŸ˜€ Congratulations! and thank you for all the love and inspiration + magic you share to us all šŸ˜€

  3. I love it! It is great to watch as your dream comes to fruition. The space and items are amazing. I spy many things that I’d love to buy. Will you have an online store for those of us not able to visit “rosewater” in person? I’d love to see the items that you’ve chosen. From the pictures, it is clear that your choices are my style — simply elegant. Congratulations to you. You are an inspiration to those of us birthing a dream. Blessings and love, Lydia

  4. Congratulations Alena, it is the most beautiful store (dream come true), I would be there in a jiffy if I lived anywhere remotely near you. The town looks so quaint also I would just love to be there and wander around. All the good luck in the world – you deserve it.

  5. This is so beautiful and the name is perfect for you. Love seeing your colourful art on the walls and the hills and inside. Keep us posted because it is wonderful.

  6. So exciting! The space looks amazing! I know what it takes to get a space like this ready, really is like giving birth! Asheville is an unbelievably magical place and Rosewater will make it even more special. Can’t wait to come up and see it
    I am 2 hrs away if you need any help

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