Radiant Heart Giveaway: Winners Announced!

All the windows of my heart I open to the day. ~John Greenleaf Whittier


Are you wishing for more sweetness and warmth in your life? Do you wish to create paintings and photos that come from an authentic place, that deeply resonate within your soul? Do you sometimes feel you need help with boundaries or protection from othersā€™ energy? Do you wish for more love and acceptance of yourself, your body, your being? Do you wish to learn how to hand letter so you can create inspiration works of art? Do you wish to take photos that are soft, full of light, and timeless intrigue? Or do you wish to paint the hidden or mysterious parts of your being in a way that looks to the Masters?


If you answered yes to any of the following, then please take time to check out radiant heART (my latest offering) and enter this wonderful giveaway today:

Now that Spring is full-on flirting with us, itā€™s a perfect time to water and nourish your creative spirit so that it may flourish for you for the rest of the year. The incomparable Susan Tuttle (world-renowned photographer) and I are offering a special course for just thatā€”where we explore lessons through paint, photo, and mixed media that allows more abundance, sweetness, and pure fulfillment for your soul and being! Although we are collaborating and offering this course together (like two mini-courses in one), we are offering it a special price (on sale) until April 5th! However, we also decided to giveaway 3 spots each ~ just leave a comment on my blog here (or her’s here for even more chances to win) and let me know how you have entered. You can enter in several different ways and each way counts as an entry (simply let me know which you have done)!


Ā The 5 Fabulous ways you can enter!

  1. Share the course page on Facebook explaining why youā€™d love to take it!
  2. Pin theĀ course page on Pinterist.
  3. Share about theĀ course on Instagram, and tag myself @alenahennessy or @susantuttle.
  4. Sign up for my museletter list!
  5. Email your friends and family about thisĀ course and cc alena.hennessy@gmail.com (this counts as two entries)!


Alas! There is no instinct like the heart… ~Lord Byron

radiant twinsMagnolia

The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery. -Anais Nin

alena hennessy susan tuttle
radiant heart

I wish you all the best in the contest, but mostly, I wish you a season of clear mind, full heart, and a joyful being! You deserve it, for you are a child of the Universe–made of stardust after all. You are meant to shine.


Congrats to the following winners:

Kim English
Susan Baker
Shannon Snyder

Thank YOU everyone for entering and making such a beautiful effort. I was honestly very touched and wish I could gift space to all of you! For those of you wishing to make a commitment to your heart, through art, painting, photo, and a radiant wild spirit, you can still sign up right here.

all my love xo

~ alena

152 thoughts on “Radiant Heart Giveaway: Winners Announced!

  1. Hi Alena!!! These images as always are so stunning! I just posted this on Facebook and emailed a group of friends and family — you should have seen it! My email is minemer@gmail.com

    Thank you so much for this chance!!

      1. Shared on Instagram, Facebook, Pinteret and signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for the opportunity! Xoxo

  2. Yea yes yes!! Shared on Instagram Pinterist Facebook and signed up for your newsletter!!! That’s 4 chances! Woo woot!

  3. I pinned this on Pinterest and signed up for the newsletter. Thank you for the opportunity and your effort of sharing your art with everyone.

  4. Nothing would help me continue on this journey out of heartache these past six months than time spent nurturing my creative spirit alongside others. Your work just feels like it is flowing outward– strong, serene…. Thank you for the opportunity to join and share.

  5. As the steam rises from my cup looking similar to one of the photos above I revel in the artistic inspiration that courses through me when I learn from Alena. I look forward to meeting Susan and experiencing the creative force that must erupt when she and Alena collaborate!

    1. That is great love! A lot more chances to win that way! When you all comment let me know what you have done so I can count each as an entry. Many blessings and thank you!

  6. Ive done all 5!! Please look for my email. So excited I feel I am destined for this!! I really need it. xoxo

  7. I really need this course right now!! Shared on FB, Pinterest,and emailed family about the course. I’m already a subscriber to the Museletter! Crossing fingers now!!

  8. Singed up for email subscription and emailed about the course. I’m just getting into painting, I’ve never done it before this year, it’s been calling my soul for some time now. Would so love to do this!

  9. Just shared your page on fb & pinterest. Also signed up for the newsletter šŸ™‚ going to share it over at IG too ā™”

  10. This would be wonderful! I connected with you on FB and gave a shout out for this course. I’ve taken courses from Susan and this looks like such a great combination of media (and the media I frequently work with!) AND, most important – with great heart. The world is hungry for it. Let’s create some.

  11. i would be so honoured to take this course. I have realized how much creativity has been depleted from my life and I have finally realized after many years what a huge loss that was. This sounds completely inspiring and completely fun!

  12. Shared. Pinned. Commented! I would love love love to take this course!! I really enjoy your work and blog!

  13. I posted on instagram about the class. It truly looks wonderful! I’d love to win a spot.

  14. I have also shared (emailed and cc’d you) this with one of my bff’s Jen. We get together most monday nights and paint in my studio together šŸ™‚ It’s fun time for her to have a break from mom-life and for me to reconnect with a good friend doing one of the things we both love best šŸ™‚

  15. I just shared this on my Facebook page and pinned to Pinterest. How wonderful it would be to have a spot in this course and be able to “Radiate” myself in different ways.

  16. Taking a photo and then adding paintā€“sounds like a lot of fun! Would love to experiment with this idea!

  17. Okay, I Instagrammed, Pinned, Facebooked and emailed it (and I feel like I’m forgetting that I did something else!) Thank you so much for doing this Alena! It sounds so fun. I don’t want to compete — I hope we all make it!!

  18. Looks like so much fun! Great time for a creative kick start! Pinned, signed up, and sent an email. best of luck to everyone šŸ™‚

  19. Happy to enter for a chance to win a spot in what looks to be a fabulous class!! I also signed up for your newsletter! Thanks and have a day filled with light and love!!!

  20. Thank you for this opportunity! I’m disabled and now retired with nothing but time on my hands. I’ve recently taken up two childhood passions: art and photography, and I’m ablaze with joy in refunding these loves. I’m not able to attend art or photography classes here as an online clas would be fantastic!!

    I have done all of the things above that yo require to enter the contest. I hope I am chosen!

    1. Alena, this looks amazing. As a fellow Mojoan I am delighted to see what you are doing. Would love a place on this next course to continue onwards in creating. All best wishes for success and I will be with you! X

    2. Alena, this looks amazing. As a fellow Mojoan I am delighted to see what you are doing. Would love a place on this next course to continue onwards in creating. All best wishes for success and I will be with you! X
      I shared this on facebook!

  21. This looks like just what I could use about now. Hoping I can win a spot!
    I shared this on Facebook, Pinterest and joined the mailing list! Thanks for the opportunity!

  22. I signed up for your newsletter and would love to win! Happy to have discovered you and your beautiful blog.

  23. I have already won a course from you once yet I just want to say how lovely this is! Just keeps getting better!!

  24. 2014 was a heck of a year: family issues that rocked my world and sunk my spirits. Artistically it was a washout. My creative energy is returning–thank you, spring!–and I’ve spent some time setting some artistic goals for the year. I see this class, with you two luminous artists, as a catalyst for bringing art back into my life and stirring up the ‘ole creative juices. Keeping fingers crossed!

    (Also pinned the course page to Pinterest.)

  25. Hi Alena,
    This would help bring Spring into my world!! Winter was a tough one here in Boston. My love of Paint & Photo combined into one sounds like the perfect joy!!
    Shared on FB, Instagram, Pinterest, emailed friends, posted on Susan’s blog

    1. Alena~ This is the kinda growth and potential that my mama heart yearns for these art courses.
      I Pinned your gorgeous offerings and linked it to Facebook. I believe I already signed up for your muse letter. I am sharing with my family and friends Via email too!

  26. This course looks truely amazing. More so it FEELS as though it resonates amazingly. I have shared the course on my facebook and am keeping my itching fingers crossed x

  27. This is REALLY touching my soul and my heart, directly to this real space in me that need to be nourish.
    This is JUST what i need ! Seriously ! I come from quebec and I have your book and i am profoundly inspired by all you do, and specially this course in particular beaucause photography help me to heal a trauma, to reappropriate a positive image of me, of my body and to connects with the beauty winthin and the beauty of the earth.

    As a surviror and a social worker, i always need to take care of me and heal parts of me and my environnement. I want it so bad ! I’ll pray for a spot !!!!!

    Aho !

  28. Hi Alena, this is So sweet- of the both of you- to offer – gifts šŸ™‚
    To be honest- i’d often hesitated on this course of yours- – due to Not really ‘having’ a – proper digital camera- to be able to work with — and thought- ‘i can’t really do this one justice’ – – but- today- i felt like- Well- – i love taking photographs- and i love drawing and painting etc……..so, Why not – go for it- and just trust and hope that Somehow – i’ll be able to do it!! Thanks again for making it poss to – actually – win a place– very kind.
    xo Nikki

  29. I shared on Facebook and Pinterest and I receive your newsletter. As soon as I figure out how to share on Instagram I’ll do that too!! Lol!
    Thank you for these chances for a place in your beautiful workshop!

  30. I need to blossom in my art. I need to come out spiritually. My art is not yet coming from my soul. I would love to win this class in order to be guided in that direction. I put your course on my facebook, I twittered it, I tried to pin it but got an error message 3 times, and I sent it to some people I thought might be interested in an email. Tada!

  31. Oh the course looks absolutely fabulous! Would love to be a part of it – I’m already on the mailing list, have pinned to Pinterest (although Pinterest was being cantankerous this morning) and shared on Facebook. Thank you so much for the chance to win!

  32. As a perfectionist I struggle to let go of the expectations and fear in creation. At 48 years of age I am ready to take this plunge into freedom and expression! My passion is color and paint…of that I am sure.
    I’ve posted as well, tried to instagram, emailed and facebooked! šŸ™‚

  33. Hi Alena, Your beautiful images make me happy! The combination of painting and photography is fascinating. I would love to learn more about it. I shared “The Radiant Heart Course” on Pinterest. Best Wishes, Rika

  34. Shared with my artistic sister and a dear friend who could really enjoy this course via email.
    Signed up for the newsletter as being personally artistically challenged, believe that we can never have enough beautiful artwork in our digital world! Thanks for the offer Alena.

  35. This is such an awesome opportunity!!! I posted on Facebook, Pinterest and emailed my best art friend. I cc’d you in the email. Thank you so much for this chance. I would be honored to take a class with you.

  36. I am on a very personal journey right now. This would help me move it in the right direction! Thanks for the beautiful opportunity!

  37. I would be so excited to win this class! I shared this on my pinterest board, “Art I love” as well as my Laura Gaffke Art Page on facebook. I appreciate you wishing me “a season of clear mind, full heart, and a joyful being!” Back at you! šŸ™‚

  38. oh man, i’d love this! everything in my life is calling me to love-through-art. losses and tears of the last few years, months and days aside, i’ve also cried joy (yesterday) and heard light (saturday) and been saved from doom (6 weeks ago)…i just need to create, share, love, sing, teach, and rock this house because being limited, comfortable as it’s been in it’s familiarity, is now hurting my skin. one of the losses has been health. another has been income. another has been the very art-making resources that helped me through so much of the losses to begin with. so, a scholarship would be muy apreciada and so well-worth it as i’m a love rocket, ready to launch. i’ve let 2 people know (one cc’ing you, the other cc’ing susan), posted to my fb wall, signed-up for your newsletter (with an email address that works better for newsletters than my previous one) and signed-up for Susan’s letter. obviamente, i really want this!

  39. A big “Thank you!” to you and Susan for offering these 3 free spots (and for creating the course!) My life right now is in a massive state of transition. Something clicked for me when I saw your newsletter describing ‘radiant heart’ and what it entailed. Whether I win a spot or not, I’m going to dig-in a bit more to my own internal musings. I want to learn how to take softer photos and use them more in my artwork.

    I did post the course page on Facebook and Pinterest, and shared it on Instagram. I’m already on your newsletter, but I’m off to Susan’s page to enter there too <3 Thanks again and lots of blessings to you! :))

  40. Deep breath of gratitude and well wishes to you, Alena and Susan. I’ve shared on facebook from both my personal page (Julia Osterc Loving Rd) and Loving Rd page. I’ve pinned to pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/546624473498484637/). I’ve posted on instagram and tagged you both. I’m already a subscriber to museletters. šŸ™‚ I’d love to join you! This combines my passions, my lifelong love of photography and my newer foray into the world of paint and mixed-media art making. Winning would definitely give me a radiant heart. šŸ˜‰ Yes, dear universe, I’m grateful for each opportunity and blessing coming my way and so grateful that Alena is one of the angel messengers! xoxo Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! I just got my first smartphone ever for Christmas. šŸ™‚

  41. My soul is longing for all things you are offering. I am sharing in Instagram, Facebook and via email. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

  42. Dear Alena,

    I have recently bought your ’30 days of grace’ course and I adore it, so heartfelt and full of such soul work.

    I have entered by pinning your course to my board on pinterest and sharing your course on FB.

    Thank you so much for this opportunity.


  43. I did pinned and I did sharing it on fb; I do love how two different mediums are look together her on your page. So fabulous. And somebody already repined my pin, nice.

  44. wow what a wonderful giveaway I already shared it on Fb, pinterest and instagram šŸ™‚ would love to win – I really like your way of creating, and with the combination of meditation, minfulness and holistic approach to the human being

  45. I need some daily doses of “heart and soul”…been trying to find peace through art but at a much deeper level than I’m currently doing. I’m sharing this on Facebook and signing up for your museletter list. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!!! Much love!!!

  46. So excited! I’ve been admiring this class for a while now. I shared on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. Fingers crossed!

  47. This course is just what I need after a long cold snowy winter with two deaths in my family.

    Shared on Facebook, and I am registered for the museletters.

  48. I am currently enrolled in your 30-Day Of Grace and truly love it. This course sounds AMAZING too! Thanks for the giveaway! I shared via Pinterest, Facebook and newsletter. Crossing my fingers! <3

  49. I Pinned your lovely course! I’m already a Museletter subscriber. Your description of your course speaks to my soul right now. love it!

  50. My heart is over the moon excited! Would love to partake in this beautiful course, the photos you’ve shared here are stunning as always. The new year began a deep time of reflection work for myself and it’s really put a halt on my creativity almost to the point of questioning if it’s really apart of my purpose or where it fits in my life. I saw this and felt a instant connection and inspiration again and my hope was restored! I simcerely hope this will be a new chapter to begin again. I’ve shared on Pinterest, email, IG & I’m signed up for muse letters. Ever so grateful for all of your offerings, sending lots of love your way

  51. lov yer art work and all the wonderful cheery colours, cheers me up no end
    have share on my page facebook ( joan frazio ) and artjournaling italy facebook group

  52. You are prominent on my bucket list! Shared on fb, sent out thanks from my heart for the potential opportunity to work with you both! If not this, then another opportunity will be provided. Yikes galore!!!! LOVE this idea and the inspiration it delivers.

  53. hey there Alena – I entered by way of no. 1, 2 and 5! So great that you are considerate enough to do these give always! It is inspiring! šŸ™‚
    looking forward to joining you in NC in May!


  54. Thank you for the chance to win a place in your class with Susan Tuttle. This year I have begun a journey to rediscover my artistic soul and along the way I found myself! I start a new full time job in June after many years as an independent consultant and business owner. I will be leading an organization that is fighting for clean rivers, streams and protects water from dangerous farming practices. It will be one of the greatest challenges of my life. Painting and photography will continue to be my meditation and place where I nurture my spirit. This fall I will also become an empty-nester as my youngest daughter takes off for college. So many changes ahead that will bring joys and challenges. Your course will help me joyfully prepare my spirit and my heart for this new chapter of my life. I would be most grateful for the gift of your class.

    Heartfelt thanks,


  55. Would love to win a spot. your work is inspiring! sharing on FB and pinterest too šŸ™‚
    thank you and peace to you ALL <3

  56. I would feel incredibly priviliged to participate in this course. As I live on the other side of the world and can’t attend any of your offerings in person this would be a dream come true to be inspired to paint, write and photograph by two such generous artists. Your class promises to be so much more than just an art class ..but a way to experince the richness of life in a grateful and meaningful way. I already enjoy your muse letters and get excited just thinking about this course….I can only hope!

  57. Radiant awesomeness! And perfect for this time of the year when I am coming out of hibernation!. I shared the link on FB and sent an email to my mum, she is a fan!

  58. Hi! Please enter me in the contest ; ) I have shared on facebook, figured out how to screenshot and share on instagram (ok, my daughter did it for me ; ), Pinned it on pinterest, already had signed up for the newsletter, and emailed a couple of friends. Thanks so much for the chance to win – you can teach an old dog new tricks like instragram screenshots and painting…

  59. Hi Alena! Great idea for a giveaway. I have signed on to your newsletter – yay! Would be so sweet to also be a part of the lovely new offering you and Susan are creating:)


  60. I just love the idea of painting on a photograph that I took myself. The images you have made are wonderful, I love them all!
    I tried to sign up for the newsletter but it says I already have. However when I try to log in, it says nobody with that email address can be found. Are the two things a different process? Sorry for bothering you with a question.
    Ok, I’m off to do the other things to enter the give-away as I am really hoping to win a place. I can never come to your workshops as I live in Spain, so an on-line course would be a wonderful way round that.

  61. Shared on my timeline on FB (FB name is Phiona Jackson – I don’t know how to link it, sorry), pinned (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/393572454912208541/), I can’t work out how to share on Instagram… if I manage to work it out I will @ you. And finally I am going to send out emails to those friends who will be interested in this course. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

  62. Hello Dear Heart,
    Thank you for the chance to be a part of this new facet of creating art. Many Blessings

  63. As an art/ photography teacher i never seem to have the time for my Art. This sounds like the perfect fit for me since I absolutely love both and have never found a way to blend the two. Looking forward to this class.

  64. Hi Alena!
    I have to say you are my FAVORITE local artist and I am so grateful/excited/hopeful that you have offered a few spots gratis since, as much as I’d love to take your courses, I’m sooooo broke :(. I did take a small painting class you had one night at malaprops and still have my “painting” on the wall. I also have one of your prints and of course your book! As a fellow artist (jewelry design) I just so admire your ability to combine great art with spirituality, where every painting manages to evoke a specific, often powerful emotion. Now you’re offering a class that brings photography into the mix? Outstanding!! I would love to participate, so I’ve entered by every means available including:
    Emailed 10 friends and family
    Was already signed up for your museletter
    Although unfortunately I don’t do Facebook…..
    Again, many thanks to you and Susan for this fantastic opportunity!!

  65. What a beautiful way to celebrate Spring! I’m sub. to your newsletter. I’ve been really sick for the past month this would be a wonderful way to get back to painting and embracing the season.

  66. Hello <3 I have entered all the ways <3 fb, IG, pinterest, emailed friends and family and am all ready signed up for emails <3 what a beautiful inspiring class- good luck everyone <3 <3 <3

  67. Hi Alena, I love your vibrant, light-filled art and would love to win a spot in your new class. Thanks for the giveaway chance! xo Karen

  68. Looks like a marvelous class – would love to win. Already get your email (how I found out I think) and posted on fb

  69. I pinned, had already joined newsletter a few weeks ago. So glad i found you. You are awesome, just live your mindfulness. Thank yoy for the opportunity to enter.

  70. Hi Alena,

    I’m already on your museletter list (does that count? *grin*).

    I shared on Facebook. This is so gracious of you!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win a space!!

  71. Hi Alena – am so excited about this course and will sign up when $$$ arrives in the next couple of days. (Smiles.) I am still going through the CoLab, but am looking forward to the results; ArtBiz had to come along in between, however. I look forward to more with you and Susan. Hugs from Alaska. Karen [Thanks so much for the chance to win.]

  72. I would like to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in penning this website.
    I am hoping to check out the same high-grade content from you later on as well.
    In truth, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my own blog now ;

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