A Big Love Giveaway! (Winners Announced)


Usually about once a year I have a biggie giveaway ~ and that time has come once again! How perfect that I have an array of virtual offerings or learning experiences in which you can enter to win any and all of them!!! This is a MEGA-GIVEAWAY as I will be gifting the following:

PLUS ~ one grand prize winner will win a spot to my Soul Painting Autumn retreat (shared room – which just opened for registration)! This is a fully-funded package and based on financial need. You could say I am in a generous mood today ~ Autumn is absolutely singing to me and I’m feeling the love.

Thatā€™s over $4600 in giveaway prizes!

a year of healing 3

Further, I should mention, for a limited time, sign up for any of the above courses and receive access to A Year of Painting 2 for free!! Thatā€™s right all free baby ā€“ plus you will receive lifetime access. The creative beings in that group have done some AMAZING things for themselves this year, in which I am bursting with love and gratitude for.

Also, if you have already joined any of these you can still enter and I will refund your entire payment back to you with gratitude! I am pulling winners by random generator based on how many times you enter (how to enter just below).


So here is how you can win (each way counts as one entry):

  1. Share which online course you are most drawn to and why on Facebook (post any of the online courses with image and link) and tag me Alena Hennessy.
  2. Share one of the online courses on Instagram and tag me, @alenahennessy
  3. Email your network and cc me (info@alenahennessy.com) on why youā€™d like to win any or all courses (share the link(s))!
  4. Sign up for my museletters and stay inspired (I email 2 x a month usually).

Please comment below and let me know how many entries you made and which courses/prizes you would love to win (and a little as to why, if you wish).

arrow1paint create heal love

I will announce all winners NEXT WEEK on October 28th!

(Please comment below to win after you share your entries)!

Good luck and bright blessings to you on your creative path. May it bring you much serene and juicy fulfillment on all levels!

Xo ~ alena


A Year of Painting:

Anna O’Grady annaogrady888@gmail.com

Chelsea Robinson chels.robinson@gmail.com

Tonya Williams willhillks@yahoo.com

Ildiko Karsay karsayildy@gmail.com

Mikel Paintnwiz@yahoo.com

Linda Hawkins harleigh97@gmail.com

Sarastella sarastellac@yahoo.it

A Year of Healing:

Connye Corey connye.corey@gmail.com

Tina Tinyg57@yahoo.com

Paula.Skory paula.skory@comcast.net

Suzanne OMull dandelions@comcast.net

Aldene Nicole neondrip@gmail.com

Retta retta74@gmail.com

Natalia Bystrianyk talbystrianyk@me.com


Verena Lang lang.verena@aon.net

Soul Painting Retreat Autumn 2016:

Sarah Nakatsuka info@sarahnakasuka.com

Congrats to all the winners and thank you everyone who entered! I was so touched by all the comments coming in truly… quite moved actually!

And remember, for a limited time, sign up for ANY of the above and receive A Year of Painting 2 next year for free!!!

207 thoughts on “A Big Love Giveaway! (Winners Announced)

  1. Oh ALena, I just shared and did all on Facebook and Instagram and emailed!! I am already part of your mail list. I would really love to be a part of A Year of Healing (have been eyeing it since you opened registration) and love to be a part of your treat… and ARBIZ!! Please enter me in for all! Thank you ever so much!!!!! I am needing this in big ways right now!

    1. I have entries 3 times!! I would love to win A Year Of Painting and The Soul Painting Autumn Retreat !! I love art and always have !! I have never explored like this before and I have been lately and I love it ! I have been through a lot of growth and transformation and Art is really becoming a healing process for me !! Thanks so much for the opportunity !! I took your class at Serendipity and loved it so much !!

    2. Hi Alena! I am so grateful for this opportunity! I have your book, and am very drawn to your style and your peace of mind that shows in your work. A peaceful, artful life is all I really want! Being a widowed mom and having to hold the roof up, I would welcome the opportunity to learn how to clear my mind and open my mind to better tap into my creativity. I have been making art since I was a child and my dream is to someday make it my life, my livelihood. I have entered on Facebook (midnightpainter0) and on Instagram (@InspirationOlogy) and I am already signed up for your museletters, so I guess that’s 3 entries! I’m not sure what emailing my network means, but if you tell me I’ll do it! I would LOVE to win any of these courses. I have already signed up for a year of painting, and now that comes with AYOP2 so I thank you for that now!! I think a year of healing, art biz, and who wouldn’t want to connect with other like minded souls at Soul Painting would all benefit my well being. Thanks again for your generosity!

  2. Hi, Alena. How generously! I posted on Facebook. Would love to win a Year of Healing. Going through a major life transition. Your course would be a healing balm for my dry bones. Thank you!

  3. Oh goodness this is graet.. Please me! I am going through a big transition too ~~ would love any of the prizes. It would mean the world to me. THANK YOU!

  4. Hi Alena, thank you so much for this opportunity. I have your Painting Workshop book which I pour myself over each day since I bought it a few months ago and your Year of painting workshop has been dancing in my heart since. I have signed up to your newsletter (why oh why was I not already haha!) and shared on Instagram. Thank you again and best of luck everyone <3

  5. Hi Alena, I have done all 4 entries and would love to win a space in the retreat, ArtBiz, or A Year of Healing… very much so! Any of them. Tkank you for this opportunity!!

    Emilia Warden

  6. Alena, thank you once again for supporting artists and for your generous nature. I shared on facebook and I believe I tagged you : ) I don’t have instagram, and not sure what #3 means. I am already signed up for museletters, lucky me. I had the pleasure of being a part of your group A Year of Painting this year. Thank you for all the hard work you do putting together instruction and inspiration to guide us along our creative journey. As for why I would like to be a part of this giveaway… This past year has been very challenging for me to say the least (some of which you are aware of) and I had a hard time keeping up, but so enjoyed the parts I was able to participate in. I think A Year of Healing is calling me the most ~ but I would feel blessed to be a part of any journey you are sharing! Thank you for the opportunity once again ~ Sincerely, Robin

  7. I shared 30 days of Grace on my FB page. It looks like it would be a wonderful, soulful, heart-centered class. Right up my alley! I’d be honored and thrilled to win it. Thanks for the chance.

  8. This is amazing! I took your AYOP 1 this year and loved it. I would so love to do A Year of Healing next šŸ™‚ This just feels like the right time and next step for you. Of course, I would love ANY of these prizes – and an in person retreat! Your generosity is such a beautiful blessing. I entered on Instagram and subscribe to you newsletter. Fingers crossed and heart open.

  9. Well that was a challenge but I did manage all 4. I am so excited for 2016. I have already enrolled in A Yearr Of Healing. I am drawn to your couses after your Lifeook 2015 offerings. My intuition has been my guide through the decision making process on what direction to travel in 2016.There is something in your art that speaks to my soul.
    Thank you for you generosity in giving away spaces in your classes.

    Blessings, Connye

    PS Am I eligible for A year in Painting 2?
    PSS See you in Redmond in August

  10. Let us live in abundant wild magic!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I will!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am also a healer and artist, thats why I have to join the year of healing!!! It would be a grace for me….
    (I shared on facebook and netwerk and your museletter)
    thanks Steffi

  11. Aloha I would love to spend time around sweet kind hearted people that love to paint ..Its like when I dance Hula with my friends pure love…all around.. I have moved to Florida and needed a knee surgery and have not gotten better and now a hip surgery…and helping a friend now I would love me time to create and express in some paintings I have always wanted to learn. I love your workshop its very cool.. Mahalo Nui Loa meaning thank you so much with love Kellie

  12. Thank you for this Alena! It’s funny, I find it very hard to enter giveaways (although I love organising them!) I get a lot of feelings come up around inadequacy and feeling undeserving. Undeserving of even entering!! How ridiculous that sounds, but there you have it, the feelings are real. I’ve been keeping an eye on your retreats. The timing & situation hasn’t been right yet, but I think it’ll happen.

    I have shared about A Year of Painting on my Facebook. I’m also already subscribed to your mailing list.

    Of course I’d LOVE to win the retreat! I also would love to win A Year of Painting. I sometimes get a bit of resistance towards doing lessons. I feel like they invite me too much to step outside of what I know is my own truth and get me to try to be someone else. I’ve felt I’ve had to be someone else my whole life and it’s hard to unlearn. I’m only just starting to engage with this and unlearn this, trust my own voice, my own art. Your lessons always make me feel like they invite something from ME. Rather than for the objective to be to create what is yours.

  13. Hi Alena! Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, for the opportunity to win these amazing prizes. I have shared on facebook, instagram and sent and email and I already subscribe to your newsletter.
    It has been a dream of mine to attend one of your retreats, so of course that would be the most amazing experience, but I would be so happy to be a part of any of your offerings.
    I initially thought I would be interested in a year of painting, until you announced a year of healing. Now I feel torn because I worry there wouldn’t be as much art covered in the healing course, but I feel like calling me. Last year I was stricken with a very bad anxiety/panic attack that lasted for several months. Once we finally identified what was plaguing me, it’s been an ongoing battle to keep it on the sidelines while I remain in charge of my life. Art has been a lifetime love of mine, but it wasn’t until after the attack that I really embraced it and tried to focus my life around creating every day. As you’ll read in my email, I’ve chosen to take on this year as a journey to finding myself and my self-confidence so that I can stand back up and become the best “me” I can be.
    I have always admired your calming and generous spirit and I hope I can learn to be more like that in my life. I have taken a few of your lessons through Lifebook this last year and you just exude a softness and warmth that I think is so healing for those lucky enough to be near you!
    Thanks again for the opportunity, any of the winners will be so lucky and deserving for a spot in one of your classes! <3

  14. I have two entries – #1 and #4. I would really love to win a spot in your course “A Year of Painting”. <3 Thank you so much for this beautiful opportunity!

  15. Your generosity is inspiring! I would be so grateful for a spot in A Year of Painting or A Year of Healing. I just watched the Healing video earlier today, and I definitely could use some art guided growth & healing. And of course, a retreat! I shared via fb and signed up for your newsletter.

  16. I shared on fb, but couldn’t tag you.
    Instagram and email and newsletter, too!
    I could very much use the year of healing and would be so honored to win. Disabled single mom, DV survivor who is reclaiming her life. I now speak to around the east coast about sacred sexuality, goddess reclamation and host meditative art circles. I am now a reiki master (I work with people and animals) & I’m moving towards getting off of disability and am facing down my very mentally ill ex in court, with both strength of boundaries and compassion. In all of this work, much of my energy is outward focused on healing. It would be wonderful to focus on healing my internal landscape.

  17. Hi, I would love to be part of a Year of Painting! I took your art class in Petaluma and would love to have more fun with you.

    I am already part of your newsletter and posted on my fb page!

    Thanks for a fun give away.

  18. I would love to take A Year of Painting 2. I’m taking the first one now and really enjoying it. I already belong to your network (get newsletters).

  19. Oh Alena! What a generous offer! I submitted my three entries, email, FB, and Instagram! I would feel so honored to win a spot in your Year of Healing class, especially after doing all your other classes! It sounds like a dream! More so, your Autumn Retreat next year would be a true gift I can’t even imagine. I am reaching out and doing all I can to keep the mojo alive in me. Expansion, expansion, expansion! Saying Yes to Italy was a big moment for me – it was something I just had to do. Being in your circle of inspiration moves me. I can’t wait to see what else you create! (I feel like one of your groupies-LOL) <3

  20. Hi Alena,
    Thank you so much for this opportunity! I have 2 entries. I posted on Facebook (FB name: Misty Rhiannon) and Instagram (IG name: MsLindaMarie). I am already subscribed to your newsletter šŸ™‚

    I would absolutely be thrilled to have a spot in A Year of Painting I and/or a Year of Healing. And the retreat…Ohmy that would be a dream come true. I just saw the email for that the other day, but my first reaction was “oh, I don’t think I’m ready for something like that.” :-/ Ugg. But I will timidly ask that an entry be made for the retreat…I will leave it to The Universe to decide if I’m ready or not. Head thoughts be gone!

    A story of how I discovered you. Someone I follow on Instagram is a budding artist in Austrialia. We had taken an online course together as well. I was so drawn to her work, I bought myself one of her small paintings. Come to find out, her artwork is in your latest book, and she couldn’t recommend you enough as a teacher. What is really interesting about this…she lives in Australia and I live in Tennessee. I was just in Asheville this past summer and visited your gallery and said to one of my friends how much I adored the whole feeling and would love to paint like that. So when Sally mentioned you, all the way from Australia, after just visiting your gallery a few months ago, I guess I need to listen to that nudge. So whether I win a spot or not, I’m going to do this somehow! I’m learning not to ignore spirit, slowly but surely šŸ™‚

    P.S. I like to write too. So sorry for the long post šŸ˜‰

    1. Alena, I’d like to use one of entries to put in Sally Okkerse’s name for A Year in Healing. I know she would love it. I don’t see where she entered the drawing for herself and so I’m doing it for her!

  21. Hi Alena!

    Count me in for three entries: Facebook, Instagram, and newsletter. I would love to win A Year of Healing. Of course, I’d love to retreat again but let someone else win that one.


  22. Oh how I would love a spot in A Year of Healing! I’m drawn to it and have looked at it several times since it was announced. Your work inspires me!

    I have posted on Facebook and instagram as well <3

  23. Hello Alena, shared on Facebook and have signed up for the Museletter..thank you so much for this generous giveaway. The Year of Healing, Wild Abundant Living just speaks to me. A lovely little spot to go and finally find peace with myself and my nest. ArtBiz is new to me but sounds very exciting since the dream in my heart is to share my work with others. Without being greedy…you know the Soul Autumn Retreat 2016 is special to me…a piece of my heart is waiting for my return.
    Thank you…

  24. Hi Alena,
    I must be one of the few people in the world who does not have a facebook or instagram account..imagine that! I’m just a person who loves to experiment and explore a creative way of living.. no business, nothing to sell, just a huge appreciation of nature and artists like yourself who generously share their insight and knowledge.
    Despite this I would appreciate and love the opportunity to win a spot in your Year of Painting or Year of Healing course. I’m already a subscriber to your museletter.
    Remaining hopeful

  25. I have shared this on my facebook page and on my facebook artist page. I signed up for the museletter and shared it on instagram => 4 entries. I would love to win a spot in “a year of painting”, because I can so much learn from you <3

  26. Alena, thank you so much for the opportunity! I did two entries (posted on facebook and instagram). I would love to take all of your courses at some point, but I would like to start with A Year of Painting!

  27. Hello Alena! I have a been a big fan for awhile now… I would love any of these prizes. Truly would love. They all look amazing and am longing to be more creative and expressive in my life. I love your style and spirit… its gentle yet strong and empowering for me. You are a muse! I hope to win.

    Ps. I did all 4!

  28. I would LOVE to win a spot on A Year of Healing!!!! It is just what I need. I am touched. And the retreat would be amazing — thank you for all you do!

    Crossing my fingers!

    I did all 4 but I am already on your wonderful newsletter (museletter) list!


  29. Dear Alena,
    Wow what an amazing gift you are sharing! I’ve followed your work for many years now. Your work sings to my soul.

    I’ve wanted to take your classes for so so long, but was unable to due to financial limitations. I’ve heard from many friends who have taken your classes seen the amazing work they have created, along with hearing all of them raving about the class and you as a gifted teacher.

    I feel so drawn to A Year of Painting and it’s been on my list for a long time now. I think committing to painting for a whole year would be pure magic!

    I posted on Fb and I’m new to IG so trying to figure out how to post about this, I’m also subscribed to your newsletter.


  30. This was too good NOT to share!
    I have been following you and wanting to partake in any and everything you offer, but life has been throwing a few curve balls in my direction for the past couple of years making it monetarily impossible to do so. Your style, personality and zeal for life speak to me in soul stirring ways. Regardless of if I win or not, THANK YOU for putting your creative talents and light into the world! xo, Lisa

  31. i shared AYear of Painting and Year of Healing on Facebook. I am currently registered for A Year of Healing and cannot wait to get started in January.

  32. Hi Alena,
    You are so generous & giving for all you do!! Would LOVE, LOVE to be part of a Year of Healing~It is exactly what I need in my healing journey after the death of my Dad. You have helped me so much with expressing my heart, life these last few years and would love any of your fabulous prizes. I’m shared on FB, Instagram, email and am allready on your museletter!! xox
    {4 entries}

  33. Would these courses be helpful to someone who has never painted? I love the idea of painting and I am really drawn to colors and design but I don’t really know where to begin. Your work inspires me but I don’t know how to translate that to something real. Does that make any sense? I would love to participate in a workshop to learn how to express myself visually.

    1. My gosh Carolina, yes! It’s all about releasing inner judgement and allowing the inner child to play… work intuitively with tools / techniques being presented. Beginners are encouraged and welcomed!

  34. Hi Alena,
    I would love so much to be a part of “A year of painting”. At 51, I’m in a major transition. I just quit my job and trying to create the life I want to live. But yet, after the big high energy that moove gave me, I’m now a little confuse and don’t always knows how to concretely create this life I want. So, be part of this program would give me kind of a structure and inspiration. So I cross my fingers and hope I’ll be the lucky one.
    Have a wonderful day.

  35. Thank you so much for your generous giveaway! I shared on Facebook, Instagram, and am signed up for your newsletters. Abundant Wild Living looks incredible, and of course A Year Of Painting is amazing!

  36. Thank you so much for the offerings. I would like the year of healing because I would like to open up more to healing, intuition, and creativity. I feel it will heal old wounds of not being good enough and not worthy of being an artist who shows her work to the world.

  37. Thank you for the chances to win! I entered on Instagram and I’m subscribed to your wonderful museletters too. I’d love to win a spot in A Year of Painting. I really want to develop my skills and my style with painting but I don’t know where to start. Your course would be perfect!

  38. What a wonderful opportunity – I’ve shared on Facebook and signed up for your newsletters. So very generous an offer. Thank you.

  39. Did #1 (twice) and #4, I am already signed up. I am signed up for AYOP 2016, but I would love to also do ArtBiz and one day – a retreat. Something to look forward to in ’16!

  40. Dear Alena, what a generous soul you are. I would love to be entered for the year of healing & the art retreat. I have been a student of yours for almost two years now and I have you to thank for so much.

  41. Wow, I would love to win A Year of Painting. My birthday is next Monday so this would be an awesome present just one day “late”!
    Shared on Facebook, and heading over to instagram as soon as I find my phone!!

  42. Alena, my favorite series in “The Year of Healing”. I am living with a spinal cord injury which causes chronic pain and my photography and art are the best medicine for that. I love all of your series and would be happy to attend any of your events. Thank you so much for gifting this to some lucky person!!

  43. Thank you for this generous offering Alena…I shared on FB & Instagram…I would love to join you for a year of healing and it was wonderful to circle on the OBX with you last weekend!!!

  44. Such a generous giveaway, Alena. Thanks for the opportunity! I shared on Instagram and am already a subscriber to you Museletters. All of your courses sound fabulous, but I’m particularly interested in the A Year of Painting course. Your intuitive process is so intriguing to me, as overthinking tends to hold me back. I’d love to just let go and create!

  45. How lovely and generous of you to offer free spots in your amazing classes! I would absolutely love to participate in your Year of Painting course or retreat! Thanks so much for this opportunity!

    1. Oops… Forgot to say: I would love to participate in a year of painting or 30 days of grace! I feel so inspired by your teachings and process and it’s oh so nice to have that inspiration continue throughout the year! I shared on Instagram and signed up for the muse letters!

  46. I’m already on your mailing list and shared your this on Instagram. I would love to take the Year of Painting class. I regret never having taken your classes at Squam and hope this could make up for it some… And the retreat sounds just amazing!

  47. Try as I might to think that I’m not artistic enough for your courses, they keep on whispering to my soul. A Year of Painting feels like a commitment to self expression and love of the highest order, it would be epic to be a part of it. I shall complete the tasks and let the universe do its thing, safe in the knowledge that’s there is no wrong, it’s simply all good.

  48. Squuuuuels!!! Not sure if I am entering correctly however I am already enrolled in AYOP2 and the new A Year Of Healing!! Can’t wait for both, and open to receive any other prizes such as the ArtBiz one! Simply grateful to be able to partake in anything the Alena puts out. Let me know if I need to share anything to my page and I will happily do so. šŸ™‚

    1. Just re-read the post properly! Was too excited the first time šŸ˜‰ Have shared ArtBiz on my Facebook page and tagged Alena in it. Yay! <3

  49. I shared on instagram, facebook, and have your newsletter.
    I would love the Art of Healing..
    thank you so much for this.

  50. Hi Alena,

    I just posted on Facebook and am already a recipient of your newsletter. I’ve asked for registration for your healing workshop for Christmas. I want to share the project ideas with my 11 year old daughter. I love everything you do! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed, thanks!

  51. Wow, there must be a good karma, if I did get this info on my email. Thanks and now I’m off to share this with others. And just yesterday I did get your book, (I know finally, but better late than never). You are really an inspiration and a good leader.

  52. Dear Alena, I registered to your museletter, Im already inspiered through your creativity book, but…I have to face a long stay in the Hospital and I feel, that a year of healing would be very helpful…May be you want to spread out your wings to Germany, were I am living?! Thanks, Antje

  53. I am already signed up for the mailing list. I facebooked and instagramed and will tonight be sending the email (as you will see CCed šŸ™‚ I would love the year of healing as am signed up for year of painting and had wanted to switch as couldn’t finance both but decided to stick with the year of painting and do the other later. Also, if I am signed up already for the Year of Painting is it possible to still get Year of Painting 2 free or is that a limited time offer only happening now? I have become an art e-course junkie – your Year of Painting will be my 10th – and so next year I would love to do more courses with others in person so I would love to win the retreat. Thanks for this generous give-away and looking forward to your Year of Painting no matter what.

  54. Hello beauitful, amazing wonderful you, Alena. Soul-ful artist extraordinary woman, who is so generous with her heart. Thank you for this opportunity. As Always, your heart shows up fully and completely in what you do. I so appreciate all you do for this planet. All the things you hear about, and for all those little things you may never know, how you have inspired people. For all of it, I am grateful. xoxo

  55. Wowie! What an awesome giveaway! I have signed up already for your Year of Painting course, and would LOVE to take the Art Biz as I am a bit stuck in this area of my art career. Also, I think the ARt Biz class would complement the Year of Painting course quite nicely! I shared via facebook and instagram.
    Thanks for the offer!

  56. Hi Alena,

    I shared “A Year of Painting” and “ArtBiz” on Facebook. I am already receiving your newsletter. I got “A Year of Painting” as a present for which I am so grateful. I can’t wait to get started and be part of the online community. I would love to take the ArtBiz course as well. Winning a spot on either of these would be wonderful! Thank you so much for this opportunity!


  57. Those leaves changing color there in Aville must be the key to your generous offer! I am signed up and receive and READ your newsletters and have been for a while now. I would love to be a part of the year of painting and the year of healing or either!!!! Thank you so much for being so generous.

  58. I would love to unleash the creativity within me, there is a budding artist who cannot wait to start painting and begin on her spiritual journey of joy, abundance , peace , respect and love xx

  59. I just signed up for your museletter. Not sure why I have not signed up sooner as I am a big fan of your work šŸ˜‰
    I would love to win a spot in a year of painting. I actually just sent you a question yesterday on the online sale. As i have not been in a Year of Painting yet – can I sign up for it and register for the free Year of Painting 2? A great deal I must say!! Thanks so much for inspiring me and for the chance to win a spot in your classes

  60. I did x3 I don’t have Instagram….Yet šŸ™‚
    The healing power of art is something I am very passionate about and something that has brought me much comfort and joy. I am currently in a state of overwhelm much of the time I have 3 young boys all with Hemophilia A, a bleeding disorder that makes it extra difficult to take time away to replenish myself. I was suddenly given my 2 year old niece this past Easter so needless to say my house is always a crazy hot mess. With all the changes that come with doubling the amount of children in your home in just 6 months loneliness was the biggest surprise. Having 4 tiny humans all with special needs has been isolating. I would love to be apart of a community of adults seeking healing and joy threw art. Please think of me when your giving out your ultimate Giveaway being able to spend time away from my family and replenish would be so Amazing and something I would not be able to do for myself otherwise. If I can’t go along with you on your healing adventure in person my second wish would be to win your A Year of Healing class, or the Year of art. Thank you so much for your generous giveaway. All your classes look amazing!

  61. Thank you so much for your wonderful generosity! I’ve shared on fb to several of my pages (@3k followers), in my FB groups (2000 members), to my humble email list (400 subs) & my IG account and would love to win a space on your sacred year of healing course (and of course yo the retreat even though I’m in the UK!). I feel the online course would enable, empower, nurture & embolden my current creative transitional cocoon to peel away the layers to get yo the soul of who I am as an artist. Light & love, Lisa

  62. Well, I poked around but didn’t see a link to post on Facebook, so I didn’t. I don’t know how to post this on instagram, so I didn’t. I don’t really have much of a social network to email so I didn’t but
    I already get your newsletter, so I guess I get one entry šŸ™‚
    I’d love to take the Year of Healing course, sounds wonderful!

  63. As we prepare to enter this season of Thanksgiving your extremely generous opportunity to enter your giveaway fills me with hope and joy! I am indeed a subscriber to your newsletter, am sharing on Facebook and Instagram! After having had the opportunity to work under your tutelage at the home of Kecia Deveney I have been hoping to work with you again!

  64. I want to thank you for giving us the chance to win some spots in your classes!!!!
    I don’t know how to enter, but when I figure it out….I’ll be sure do do so!!!!
    Many Blessings!

  65. You are such a generous, nurturing and kind soul Alena! Being a part of your Year of Painting 1 & 2 classes has been such a blessing in my life! I would love to nominate my lovely new friend @mslindamarie for a spot in ayop1. Your art has been serendipitous in our new friendship and she has visited your Art Gallery/ loves your style.
    Good luck to all entrants, how exciting! ā™”ā™”ā™”

  66. Wow Alena!
    I am already signed to your wonderful museletters, so I signed again with my other account šŸ˜‰ I am also already signed to do your year of painting next year!! Excitement bubbles up when I imagine infusing my days with more beauty and renewed creativity. Thank you for your generosity of spirit, with the opportunity to do it with more financial ease.
    Ruth x

  67. Sweet! Shared on instagram @hobbyz, facebook.com/hobbyparent, pinterest.com/hobby and forwarded it to my folks by email. Hope I did all that correctly…. ā™” Good luck everyone! ā™”

  68. I am signed up with your museletter and would love the chance to do either A Year of Painting or A Year of Healing. I have just turned 50 and long to be creative and have a career doing that but need to learn how. It has been a stressful time with my children with lots of health problems and my mum & sister not doing well so would love to have time for some self care for me. Thanks for the chance xx

  69. I am a caregiver to my son who will always need full and total 24/7 care. I am utterly exhausted and pretty much depressed (to say the least) after watching him suffer through each and every day for 21 years. After raising three special needs boys – I lost every single part of who I was. I saw a painting of yours on Facebook awhile ago and clicked on the link – it brought me to a page where your classes are listed. I purchased two on-line classes (AYOP and AYOP2) after reading some of “what people were saying” hoping I would find just a little tiny piece of me left on the inside.

    I can honestly say that when I listen and watch a new lesson posted by you (when Danny sleeps for his few hours in the evening – it brings me to another place. During the time that I listen and watch – I don’t think of autism, mental retardation, traumatic brain injury, seizures, fighting the systems for his basic human rights or even of my own cancer…. the brick lifts from my chest wondering what will happen to him when I am gone… I can’t explain it in words, but it does! When I paint – I find that there is a tiny piece of me inside – and it makes me happy, if only for a short period of time. It has helped me get through one of the toughest years of my life (Danny suffered a grand mal seizure where his organs froze for six minutes including his brain and he also suffered a mini stroke two months later)… The cancer/chemo has attacked my spine where it is in such a degenerative state that it leaves me with continuous horrid pain. I had to put on my big girl panties this year – I honestly wouldn’t know if I would have made it if it weren’t for your lessons. I found that there is something I love to doI – paint – and it gave me some other purpose in my life other than being a caregiver. I don’t post any of my work b/c I don’t feel worthy amongst all the phenomenal artists that already take your classes. For what you have done, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am lifted out of a place of endless and infinite pain with these lessons.

    I never comment, but this giveaway has left me wanting more…. selfish as that may sound… I have subscribe to your newsletter and wish everyone luck in this giveaway. Thank you for posting this – and thank you for being you!

  70. I shared A Year of Painting on FB but not sure if I properly tagged you. I am already signed up for the muse letter. I would love to take that course, I enjoyed your Lifebook lesson and would love to learn more from you. Thanks for this giveaway!

  71. I am drawn to your classes, a year of painting and a year of healing. I am just now beginning to embrace myself as an artist. I have had many losses this past year and am finally beginning to come out.

  72. I would love to win a spot in the Year of Painting so that I will have some structure to stay committed to my craft. Thanks for the chance to win and the continual inspiration!

  73. I’ve used 1 method and I’m signed up for AYOP2 for 2016.

    I feel gratitude at the opportunity, because it fills a healing need for ‘me time’ and renewal of creative space.

  74. I would love to win a spot in year of painting! I am so drawn to painting but don’t know where to begin and this seems like an amazing first step. Thank you! I am a newsletter subscriber.

  75. hi Alena, Thank you So much for ALL of this- it’s truly lovely, kind, amazing, sweet, generous, inspiring- etc etc etc! the one that seems to ‘speak’ to me the most is- the Year of Healing— Just watching your wee video about it- did the trick (so.to.speak:) – – – of course- your grand prize is Very very (Quite quite quite!) an Amazing opportunity too!!

    Thanks again, very much so,
    with love
    p.s. please dm me- as i am (once again) not sure How to enter this- other than this comment here, now. Muchas Gracias! Merci Beaucoup- and Gratzie too! :)) xox

  76. What an amazing gift you have been in my life, your year of painting and paint a series have inspired me endlessly. To find so many little tribes or artists that have completely inspired my life. I would be honoured to win the Biz course. I am currently enrolled in a online course to teach me to develop my own ecourses..art based. All the help I can get would be a huge encouragement as my need to be self employed is not only a desire but a necessity. I would happily fork out the money when I have it anyway..but to win it would be a relief..I mean have you seen how terrible the aussie dollar is.xx

  77. I’d love to win a year of painting. I’m taking care of my Mom at my home since she has stage 4 lung cancer. I don’t have a lot of chances to get out much and it would truly be a blessing to win a class I could enjoy in my spare moments. Your artwork is so joyful, I’m certain it would help lighten the spirit in my house. I entered 3 times. Thanks!

  78. Hi AlenaI shared Year of Painting on Instagram #livehappytodayandforever
    and I’m signed up for muse letters

    Would love to take part in year of painting

    Hope to be joining you soon

  79. Hi! I posted an image of the class I wanted to win on My Facebook to friends….but I don’t know how to tag you. You can check JackieWimberly to see!
    Thank you, thank you , thank you for a chance to win a spot!

  80. love to win year of painting

    Shared on Instagram #behappytodayandforever
    Subscribed to Museletters

    Hope to join you soon

  81. Loved to win year of painting

    Shared on Instagram #behappytodayandforever

    Subscribed for Museletters

    Hope to join today

  82. Thank you for the opportunity to win a spot in one of your classes. I love your style! I shared and posted on FB but couldn’t tag you. I subscribed to your newsletter after seeing one of your classes in LifeBook. šŸ™‚

  83. just did all 3 and am already on your muse list as you know. Thank you so much for the opportunity! It is so nice to see people who give back – a true refreshing blessing! Sending you lots of love!
    (oh and PS, I would be interested in a year of healing! ) šŸ™‚

  84. Your are wonderful to have this giveaway. Thank you. I have posted to Instagram and Facebook, which I hope I successfully tagged you. I also have a subscription to your newsletter. I would love to win the Autumn retreat. Totally immersion, wow. Any of your online courses would be great win.

  85. I would love to win A Year of Healing! Posted on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for the opportunity! P.s. Already on your museletter.

  86. 1 entry. I have been following you for a while now and would live a chance to win any of your generous give-a-ways. Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity!!! Love and Kindness xo

  87. 1 entry. I have been following you for a while now and would live a chance to win any of your generous give-a-ways. Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity!!! Love and Kindness xo xo

  88. Shared on facebook and instagram and get your lovely museletters. šŸ™‚ May sweet blessings come back to you as well, Alena. <3 I'm imagining the blessing of spending the retreat with you. What an amazing thing to give! Since my mom died, all of our vacations are family vacations since she was the only one who would keep my twin boys for any length of time. Now, my boys are old enough that they could stay home with my husband (who works from home) and I could actually do something like this! Yet, to spend that kind of money… still means 'family' vacation… to win something like that – holy wow! Of course, the year of healing course or art biz would also be huge blessings. I've so loved your year of painting and 30 days of grace courses. Thank you for all that you share with the world. <3

  89. Alena I am not so smart on how to do all the postings but am signing
    Up for the news letters and this is my first entry. I looked at the photos you posted of the retreat participants and have never seen greater delight and joy on faces before. I am in need of joy in my life and know you would provide it. Your very voice soothes and calmes my soul. I would be so very grateful to win any one of your gracious offers. Bless you ! Kathryn

  90. Hey Alena, I just shared on facebook to enter to win A Year Of Painting and am already on your email list….I would love to win this as I have had this online class in my cart for a while now on your website, but waiting to have some extra funds available….I found out about you and your art from a mutual friend and after seeing your art and your website, we have many of the same interests, and I am an aspiring artist looking to cultivate my creativity, heal, help others heal, and find balance and beauty along with my soul purpose/mission as well as helping others do the same….I know you can help as I am already inspired by you! Thank You for the opportunity!! Love

  91. I’ve posted about your Year of Healing class on Facebook and will be sending an e-mail after I post this. I all ready subscribe to your newsletter. I do not currently have Instagram- but I did post to pInterest. I’m most drawn to the year of healing course and the soul painting retreat in autumn. I’ve all ready participate and enjoyed the Art Biz Course and am doing a Year of Painting. Ultimately the retreat in autumn would be a divine experience and gift. I seem to be making most of my changes during that season. Being on the mainland would bring me closer to my roots and sense of season. Its been about 5 years and counting since I’ve done any travel. I am just appreciative of the chance.

  92. Alena, I’ve made two entries. I posted to instagram and emailed. I already subscribe to your museletter and I don’t have Facebook. I am most interested in A Year of Healing, for many many reasons. But most simply because it speaks to me, I’ve practiced mindful living for over a decade and am new to exploring my creative side through art. But after years of very challenging health struggles that have forced major life changes, art has given me a new direction, hope and happiness that I’ve been missing. It’s been slow but the seeds are there waiting to grow, I was gifted A Year of Painting 1 and your book which I’ve loved so far! I can’t wait for January to begin A Year of Painting and would love an opportunity to take any other course you offer.

    p.s. Since I’ve already registered for A Year of Painting 1 do I qualify for the Year of Painting 2 course special that you’re currently offering? Or not, because I registered earlier?

  93. Alena, thank you for your generous spirit. I would love a year of healing. I loved the year of painting one and I am praying for a year of healing too. Whoever wins will indeed be fortunate. Bless you.

  94. What a generous gift!! Painting for a year?!? Yes please. If I could figure out how to do that, I’d feel like a real artist!

  95. Much love to you Alena. I was so inspired by the fall art retreat, the connections and friendships, and the breath of artistic fresh air I needed! The last year has been so trying for me, the end of my marriage, uncertainty about my home and the health challenges of some family members. I would love to be considered for your “Year of healing”. Art for me has been my only constant, and I am continually amazed at he healing power. Oh yes…the retreat would only be more icing on the cake. I did share my experience on my Facebook page.

  96. I entered with the mailing list. I have am in AYOP and I absolutely adore it. Funds are tight and I am feeling so crushed by the weight of student loans but I am hoping to scrounge together funds for AYOP2. I would love, and be honored, to be in anyone of these courses. The community of beautiful souls has been a source of endless inspiration.

  97. I posted on FB, and I am trying to figure out how to post yor link or image to Instagram. Also, signed up for your newsletter. I Would love to take “A Year of Painting 2” since this summer I started painting on large size canvases after many years of small scale work, and I loved it immensely. I need motivation to keep on trucking, also I am needing to do something for myself to deal with some heavy life circumstances. Thanks for your generosity!

  98. I have three entries, sharing on Facebook, sharing on instagram (quiltmomof6), and signing up on for the newsletter. Thanks so much for the chance. I’m looking to expand my knowledge, my box, in art Journaling, and I think your classes are a great way to do so. Thanks for the chance.

  99. Hi, Alena. How generously! I would love to win a Year of Healing. I purchased a year of painting for 2016, and unfortunately I am living in France so the Autumn retreat is not for me. But I would love to win a Year of Healing !
    Xo xo Claire from France

  100. Like many many others here… I’d like to have a seat of one of your inspirationnal course.

    In fact this is only a matter of time (okay okay, a matter of money only). I am a mother of 2 and I raise them , and instruct them in home all by myself. This is why, for now, I just can’t afford a course… but I will attract one! A year of healing sounds so… so… magical! But I can’t help myself to go and go again to the page of Artbiz.

    It would be so wonderful for me to begin a biz with my art, keep having my child here (we do the Waldorf pedagogy) and taking ALL the courses I’m dreaming of šŸ™‚ So I’m definitly attracting Artbiz!!!!!!!!!!!
    So thank you for this opportunity (this kind of giveaway means so much sometimes) and of course I shared on FB and Instagram (Fanny Fannoche). I follow your museletter for a while now šŸ™‚

    Keep having wonderful inspiration, keep sharing them in our world. Xo

  101. I just had a friend tell me about you and so signed up for your newsletter. A year of painting sounds fun as my friend is going to do that. Also I’m interested in taking your painting a series that sells. Thanks!

  102. Wow! this is just amazing, really amazing shared my fav on facebook painting for a year would just be soooooo awesome. I home ed my two boys so don’t get much time for myself this would be wonderful. Good luck everyone and thankyoy Alena for the chance ;o)

  103. Alena,
    I’m crazy happy that find some artist like you who has generous soul to find out how to help others to be creative and to get out of daily routine and to be woman and worth people in the grey world.
    You are the sunshine!
    Thank you once again for supporting artists and not artist as well and for your generous nature.
    I shared on my facebook site https://www.facebook.com/karsayildy I wanted to tagged hope it succeeded
    I took picture of your lessons and share on instagram (@artbyildy it is me) I am already signed up for museletters, what I love very much, On lifebook I met with you already and I love your work very much. I would like to be a part of this giveaway because a periodecal muses is a great thing in a life as ususally I lost the way and if someone remember me that I am worthy is a great thing.
    I would feel blessed to be a part of any journey you are sharing!
    I don’t even dream of getting out of my boring life to take part in your personal course but it would change my life 180 degree I believe
    Thank you for the opportunity once again
    big hug and love from Hungary

  104. I would love to win a spot in a year of healing as this has been a difficult year for me as my Mom died who was an amazing artist and painter. I am a part of Life book 2015 and that is where I first had a lesson from you. I wrote you an email and asked which of your classes you would recommend for me and you kindly wrote back a year of healing. I would love to win a spot in this class or a year of painting. I have shared on Facebook but don’t know how to tag you, I am blessed to receive your email, and I shared on Instagram but this was my first time so I don’t know how to tag you.

  105. I would love to be a part of a year of healing or a year of painting! I loved your lesson in Life book 2015 and I wrote you an email to ask which class you thought would be a good place to start and you kindly replied a year in healing as my year has been difficult with my Mom passing away and several other family traumas. I have shared on facebook and Instagram but I don’t know how to tag you. I already receive your wonderful musings in your newsletter and I hope to be blessed with a spot in one of your classes because I know it would help me develop confidence and courage in my art journey.

  106. Dearest Alena~

    Thank you so much for this generous giveaway!
    I would love to win A Year Of Healing. I have much healing to still do in my life.

    I would love love love to go to your retreat as well.
    I made my first trip to Asheville last month and fell in love.
    What a gorgeous part of the country.

    I made it into your shop as well.
    It was SO beautiful!

    Many blessings to you.

    ps I shared on facebook and subscribe to your newsletter.

  107. I would love to win a year of painting and your healing course. I lost my dad a year ago from cancer after being his caregiver for 4 years. Still feeling a bit lost. I already receive your newsletter and I shared on FB.

  108. Hi Alena- I posted on facebook that I am excited to have signed up for your “Year of Healing” class. It wouldn’t make the “tag” connection but I linked to your website. Good luck!

  109. Thank you for your generosity! I would be super grateful to receive any of your offerings, I believe it would set me further on my art path! My kids are all out of the house now and I’m ready to focus more on my art! I have shared on Facebook several times a member of your newsletter and posted your giveaway to Instagram. Thanks again! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

  110. This is an amazing opportunity! Thank you for all that you give and offer. I would love the Year of Painting after a tough year and hopefully a better year on the horizon, with new beginnings. I am already signed up for the Year of Painting 1 with my bestie in Oregon to create together from afar. Thank you! I will post to FB, Instagram and email a few pals.

  111. Hi Alena- Thank You so much for this great Giveaway.
    I loved you class at lifeBook.
    I already follow museletter.
    I shared on FaceBook and Instagram and tagged you there.
    I would love to win a free place on your online course ‘A Year of Painting’
    I love your way of painting. I’m a beginner and would love to learn different techniques.

  112. I would love to win a space in your year of healing class or a year of painting. I have shared on facebook, signed up for your newsletter and posted on Instagram. I have had a very difficult year and wrote you an email asking which class that I should sign up for and you kindly recommended a year of healing. I thank you for your generous spirit and your wonderful teaching style. I was so blessed with your lesson on Life book 2015 that I came and found your website. You are a gifted teacher! I hope that I will win so I can spend a year learning from you.

  113. hi alena. i entered by posting on facebook, and i’m already subscribed to your email list. i would love to win a space in ‘a year of painting.’ i’ve wanted to take it for awhile but have never had the money to do so.

  114. Yo sister Alena,
    I shared in All possible directions and ways.
    I am drawn to a year of painting course to create a creative framework discipline practice in my studio and it sounds really fun.
    I’d be over the moon excited to tap into any of your gorgeous offerings.
    Much love and respect
    Shyama J Lee

  115. Hi Alena, I already signed up for AYOH, so I would like to take this class and/or AYOP šŸ™‚ I shared on Facebook and I’m already on your mailing list. Thank you šŸ™‚

  116. I would be honored to win the Year of Healing Workshop. The retreat would be amazing too, but I just don’t feel like I deserve to ask for such an amazing gift. I emailed and already get your news letter. I would share on Instagram but I can’t figure out how! lol Thank you for this chance.

  117. Hello Alena!

    First of all…. WHOA! You are AWESOME! This is truly a very VERY generous gesture and I can feel the love and enthusiasm coming all the way from you!

    Ever since I discovered there are real life art retreats I longed to go to one but they are always so far away from me or really expensive. It would be a dream come true to be able to take part in one – and me being really excited about the Year of Healing with you – it makes me think like something is aligning here.

    I already did your Year of Painting but your ArtBiz course is still very intriguing. Especially because of the coaching session – the most valuable things come from direct contact, at least to me.

    I shared on my FB and I’ve been subscribed to your letter for ages šŸ˜‰

    Thank you for this beautiful opportunity. Wishing you a splendid weekend and a wonderful autumn – my favourite time of the year.

    With love,

  118. Hi Alena. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at Into the Dreamtime last weekend. I would love to experience a year of healing. Last weekend was healing in itself. I can only imagine how I would grow from a year of creating! Last weekend’s timing could not have been better. I lost my beloved last year after a valiant battle with cancer. Now I have spent the last 2 months in Maine caring for my dearest friend, Lisa, who elected to discontinue chemo and come home on hospice care. Following the long weekend I was recharged and ready to go back to Maine, armed with a case full of art supplies to work on some projects with Lisa. I am grateful for your generosity and excited for whomever wins a spot, as it will be a an incredible experience.

  119. Sweet Alena! Now I give it a try šŸ˜‰ Pic of AYOP and some thoughts are shared on fb and instagram, the museletter is always my pleasure to read. If I win I will choose the art-biz-course, the other online-offerings I am already in šŸ˜‰ and so happy about!! Art-biz is on my list since a long time, so maybe time is now. We then could do the mentoring session face to face in Tuscany. What a great thought. For today I send you happiness and lots of warm hugs.

    1. Hi Alena! I am so grateful for this opportunity! I have your book, and am very drawn to your style and your peace of mind that shows in your work. A peaceful, artful life is all I really want! Being a widowed mom and having to hold the roof up, I would welcome the opportunity to learn how to clear my mind and open my mind to better tap into my creativity. I have been making art since I was a child and my dream is to someday make it my life, my livelihood. I have entered on Facebook (midnightpainter0) and on Instagram (@InspirationOlogy) and I am already signed up for your museletters, so I guess that’s 3 entries! I’m not sure what emailing my network means, but if you tell me I’ll do it! I would LOVE to win any of these courses. I have already signed up for a year of painting, and now that comes with AYOP2 so I thank you for that now!! I think a year of healing, art biz, and who wouldn’t want to connect with other like minded souls at Soul Painting would all benefit my well being. Thanks again for your generosity!

  120. Hi Alena. I have three entries. Email, instagram and your museletter. I would love love to win a spot in your Year of Painting, or the Art Biz…..and even the AUTUMN retreat would be awesome. I have never taken one of your classes but have heard great things about them.

  121. I would love to win the year of painting! I am a mother of 4 young children and art saved my life. I was very unhappy just staying at home taking care of small children all day everyday with nothing for ME. I found art and it has woken me up from what feels like a thick fog. I now make art that uplifts but I have bee n creatively stuck for a few weeks now and it has not felt very good. I know that having inspiration and lessons is exactly what I need right now. I love everything you do and all that you pour out into the world. ā¤ Good luck to everyone and thank you Alena for your generosity.

  122. I am already signed up for the museletter (which is awesome)…but I shared the link to A year of Healing on Facebook and Instagram. Although I would feel blessed to win any of the slots, I feel very connected to the Year of Healing. I have been wanting to paint more and have this fear around just starting again. I have 3 young children at home and although we do a lot of creative things, kids learn best by example! I also think it would serve as a reminder to do a little self care… I could use a little nudge (and structure) in the right direction!

  123. watching the enthusiasm for this gracious giveaway all week has been inspiring! of course, you know i want to do ALL OF IT with you, more painting, more learning, more growing, but i especially love your vision for a year of healing and the soul painting retreat. i posted on fb and ig, with love and so much pride for knowing you.

  124. It is so sweet of you to offer this giveaway. I have loved your classes the last two yrs, they have given me courage, healing and deeper knowing of myself. Also the connection with other like mined people is huge. I am on your mailing list and just posted on instagram just now. I would love to be considered for a Year of Healing and the Fall Retreat. A Year of Healing because it is amazing how art heals, and I love e your lessons, the retreat be cause you live in a beautiful part of the world, it felt like a rain forest when I saw a glimpse this fall and I would love to be part of one of your retreats to breathe art. Blessings.

  125. Dear Alena, thank you so much for this amazing giveaway. You can count me in for 3 entries: I entered on FB (I have tagged you); I also emailed friends (sent you a cc copy); and signed up to receive your muse-letters.

    I’d love to win a spot in “A Year of Healing”. A good online friend who knows the challenges that I’ve been having in life and she felt that I may truly benefit from your eCourse. I’m so grateful she shared this with me.

    I’m ready to bring transformation to my life. And to somehow turn the big challenges I have experienced all of my adult life and somehow find ways to spin that into gold, using my creativity, and turn it all into a new story to help bring hope, love and abundance into my life. For lack of a better title, I still consider myself to be a stay-at-home mom to a 25 yrs old son who has autism; and to our 27 yrs daughter who hit a wall a few years ago, where her physical health is now debilitated with a chronic illness, as well she suffers from mental health issues, she also lives at home with us; then my husband has a few mysterious health issues, and to add to that baggage as if it hasn’t been enough, I was diagnosed with breast cancer just this summer. To say that I need healing is quite an understatement… and that is exactly what I wish to bring to my life, profound healing.

    I’d love to have the structure of an eCourse… “A Year of Healing”, and the support of an online group this class, and the continuous opportunities delivered right into my inbox for a whole year, so that I can do this all from home. I’m ready for my life story to be one of hope, healing and love. <3 Thank you Alena!! <3

  126. Big Love indeed! Thank you for the generous giveaway!

    I have only 1 entry for being a part of the museletters – I don’t do much with social media lately. I am currently taking AYOP1 and have been loving it! It has been pushing me to paint and to hold myself accountable. I am hinting rather strongly to my husband that I would like to continue with AYOP2. The thought of not having those painting prompts in a few months is very depressing! I would love to win a spot in the ArtBiz class. I really want to start selling my work, but don’t know where to start. Starting is such a daunting task, self doubt aside. And winning a spot at the retreat would be AMAZING. I’m a reserved and quiet person, but I would gladly get out of my comfort zone for that experience!

  127. I’d love to win a place in your class A Year in Painting – My friend Kim Jones has raved about your work and even has bought some of your small originals – she also gifted me your book – I think it would be amazing to get to learn from your experience. Thanks for the chance to win!
    I subscribe to your e-mails and shared a post on Facebook!

  128. i am so inspired by your generosity… i loved a year of painting and am already signed up for a year of healing. your soul painting retreat was the experience of a lifetime; it was a joy to meet you and so many wonderful women and create in person! i posted on instagram and would love to attend next year’s retreat. blessings to you, alena! xoxo

    (since i already signed up for a year of healing, is it possible to receive access to a year of painting 2?)

  129. Dearest Alena, what a wonderful and oh so generous choice of courses, and to be guided by you would be an honour. You have such a poetic and deeply resonating way of expressing yourself, and your art is delicate yet has such beautiful depth to it. Thank you for this opportunity to win….and I would be grateful for any of your courses…and the retreat would be so beyond anything I have ever done…I signed up for your museletter and have emailed and put your courses on Facebook. Xxx take care love Melanie xx

  130. Alena,
    Thank you for sharing your magic with the world! I would love to join you for a year of healing. As I seek my own healing and offer healing to others I am always seeking new avenues of expression and this course calls to me. I’ve been interested in your courses since I read your books and met you at squam one Sunday morning briefly…perhaps this is the time. I have shared and signed up for your museletter and would for you to throw my name in the hat.

  131. Hi Alena,
    OMG what a gift you are offering! I’d love to be entered in you “A Year of Healing” course as well as your Soul Painting 2016 retreat. I’m already subscribed to your museletter, and have posted/tagged on FB.
    As a newbie to mixed media/art, I absolutely LOVE the different techniques (I art journal for now) to help me move through my issues and for the deeper connection to Self that occurs, and I would love to explore my Heart/Spirit on a deeper level (using art as a medium, of course!).
    I have never been to an Art retreat and the one you’re offering sounds so absolutely delicious! Money is somewhat of an issue right now (otherwise I’d sign up in an instant), so I’m thrilled you’re going to be doing a draw for a spot in this one!
    Many bright blessings to you for all the love and inspiration you bring to the world.

  132. <3 this so much!
    2 entries – Instagram and mailing list.
    How does the email network entry work?
    Interested in the year of healing and year of painting.
    Thank you for offering this! šŸ™‚

  133. I would love to be able to participate in either your year of painting program or the year of healing. Current employment and funds do not allow for this for me. Thank you for your generous offer.

  134. I am so excited about these classes and this giveaway contest. I entered by posting on Facebook, Instagram, and by signing up for the newsletter. Well, technically, my son posted on Instagram for me, as I do not have an Instagram account. I just found this website today, and exploring the site has sparked a small flame in my dormant creative side. I love the idea of healing art. Part of my soul was crushed and then reborn as recently went through extensive treatments for stage 3 breast cancer. My recovery has included doing yoga classes several days a week (to maintain range of motion after the double mastectomy) and the yoga has been integral to my mental and physical well being. It has helped my tap into my spiritual side. Seeing this art today is inspiring me to tap into my creative/artistic side too….which I have neglected. I want to explore, and paint, and express myself! I look at the inspirational verses, paired with the lovely art, and my soul sings! I would love the opportunity to look into that side of my spirit, and set it free. I have ordered your books, and I cannot wait to receive them. Recovering from cancer has put me on a new path in life….I want to go on this artistic journey and see where it takes me! Thank you for the inspiration, and the opportunity to enter into your generous give away. You are a blessing. Gassho.

  135. Wow! What a giveaway, Alena! I’m so excited for all the future winners and for everyone who signs up for the e-courses. I know how GOOD your e-courses are and would highly recommend them to anyone and everyone in a heart beat. I’ve signed up for your museletters and I wrote a post and glowing review of your artwork and e-courses on Facebook today. Of course I would LOVE to win a spot on ANY of your e-courses!

  136. Oh my gosh…. a year of painting… I would LOVE LOVE it…. Alena your soulful… heart filled and beautiful art inspires me… always… and I am ready to take the leap…. thank you for your generosity…. I have shared on Facebook and Instagram… I already receive your newsletter Xx

  137. I have 3 entries & am super excited about this giveaway! Thanks for your generosity, Alena! Have been looking at “A Year of Painting” for awhile now since discovering you via Facebook. I became so inspired to pick up my paint brushes again (and I have!) after viewing your “A Year of Painting” class intro video. I’m hungry to learn new artistic techniques (especially intuitive painting practices which is a new to me!)and
    my heart longs to know the freedom that you experience while painting without feeling a fear of “messing up”. Although I have purchased art books for instruction, nothing compares to seeing the techniques in action right before your eyes! In my mind & heart are many ideas & I know I have much to offer the world artistically & I’m confident that you could help me soar!

  138. I would love to join a year of healing – sounds soooooooooo wonderful and absolutely what I need. I also love the idea of a year of painting and working within a community. What wonderful opportunities these are.
    I hope I can join in. xxxxxxx

  139. Hi Alena, I own two of your books, the Painting Workbook and Cultivating Your Creative Life and have sat down with them many times to read and get inspired. However, I feel ‘stuck’ and very hesitant to paint. I’ll start something new, feel immense pressure and then stop, not completing the art. I remember being very successful in classroom settings with more in person guidance so would love the opportunity to win either the Year of Painting or a the Retreat so that I can move past my current block. I already subscribe to your Facebook posts & newsletter and just shared the Year of Painting on Facebook. Thank you so much for the chances to win these fabulous prizes! I’m keeping my fingers crossed. šŸ™‚

  140. Thank you for the chance to continue my artistic journey with you Alena. You are such an inspiration to me.

    I’ve shared your giveaway on Facebook, Instagram and signed up for your museletters!

    1. Oh and I totally forgot to add that I’d like to win a spot in either ArtBiz or A Year of Healing, because I’ve been doing a lot of healing soulwork over the last couple of months and would like to continue with your guidance, and ArtBiz because I really admire the way you go about your creative business practice and would love to have you mentor me <3

  141. Thank you Alena for this fabulous giveaway! I would love to win any of your online classes. Your books, blog, and art are all very inspiring to me. Sending you hugs from across the ocean! Karen

  142. Hello Alena. This is such a wonderful opportunity. Thank you! I would love to take part in the course “A year of Painting”. I wish you a lot of inspiration!

  143. Alena!!
    Your serene, real approach to guiding us into your lessons has been such an important part of my art life. I’m totally a student of Alena University–lol–Loved 30 days of grace & am loving AYOP. And both of your books are dog-eared paint-splashed favorites.

    On Facebook I shared your ARTBIZ COURSE, which I believe could be a super magical doorway for me. I also shared A YEAR OF PAINTING II on Instagram. And I’m on your Museletter list.

    Winning a spot in your retreat would be a dream come to life; I’ve never been on a painting retreat so I think that kind of communion would change my life.

    XO & thank you for your generous spirit!

  144. A Year Of Healing sounds like a magical class! 3 entries please – I have shared on Facebook, Instagram, & am signed up for your newsletter. I would be so grateful to win a spot in A Year of Healing. I am increasingly housebound due to chronic illness and your online art courses have provided a sense of motivation and hope over the last year & a half. I look forward to each video lesson, as watching your videos fans the flames of creativity within me, even when I’m not physically able to get out of bed to create. It would be a great gift be included in A Year Of Healing and continue to receive encouragement & inspiration through your teaching.

  145. Thank you Alena for your generosity in offering this giveaway ! I am hoping to win a spot in the Year of Painting classes and/or the Year of Healing. I posted on my fb page and also signed up for your newsletter. I would love to win a place in your classes for several reasons. First, I lost my mom this year and it has been a time of deep healing for me processing her death. I believe these classes would help me to release so many deep emotions I still have bottled up. I battled anorexia/bulimia for 38 years of my life before finding healing through a divine experience. Yet I still have many emotional issues to resolve. My creativity has been that one gift in my life that’s allowed me to do that healing work and share my story of healing with others. That sharing is now my life’s work. Second, as an inspirational writer and digital artist I feel very drawn to take my work to another level. I’ve never picked up a brush or paints but for some reason I feel as if I am being led to move this direction. In fact I even have a series of paintings in mind! So if you accept beginners I would so LOVE to be a part of your classes! Much love and many thanks to you! Belinda

  146. I just discovered your work and love the magic you are spreading into the world. I just did #4 from the above list for entering in your giveaway.
    I would love to win a spot in your year of art class, but would be delighted to win any of things you are offering…as I’m sure I could benefit and get something out of all of them….especially a mentoring session:).

    Thank you!

  147. Thank you for this great givaway!
    I shared on Instagram and I would like A Year of Healing or Art Biz.
    I loved 30 days of Grace and thought that A Year of Healing is a bit like it just longer. After a burn-out, a new job and a move I think I need to do some additional work in this regard and be in a great, supportive community.

  148. Alena – you are relentless – your generosity blows me away-you’re our angel. Always looking for ways to improve ourselves. I would love to be considered a winner in your latest workshop first A YEAR OF HEALING or secondly your FALL SOUL PAINTING 2016 (I would even go on an airplane to meet you even though I have rarely flown in my life – the things I would do to meet you in person lol) This next year will be a challenging one for me in so many ways – financially & emotionally – this will be a good outlet for me to ensure that I stay grounded and be in a mindful state of mind. I posted your give away on my little FB page & my Instagram account & I signed up for your muse letter as I recently changed my email address. My birthday was this past week – keeping my fingers crossed that the Libra Gods will be on my side. Thank you for everything!!!!

  149. I signed up for your muse email as an entry for your giveaway and looking forward to being inspired.
    I would love to win a spot in your year of healing. And a chance to use healing modules with painting to create art.
    Art that heals the soul. Your year of painting courses have been an inspiration and always brightens my day when a new lesson shows up in my inbox.

  150. What an awesome and generous giveaway! Good luck to everyone who enters! I signed up for your museletter. I think all of your classes sound great and the fall retreat looks absolutely magical.

  151. Hi Alena,
    i share on istagram and on facebook in my personal account (Sara Stella) et in my fan page (Atelier Ricreativi) but i can’t tag you on facebook … i don’t know why. Anyway i put the link of “A year of painting” of your website on both the posts.
    Iā€™m already subscribed to your museletter.
    I paint and i give class of paint about items of personal development, many of them about womanhood. I do it thinking that art is a possibility to fell better, to know ourself better, to improve awareness.
    I know you since few mounths and it has been love at first sight. I would have the onor to be part of your e-class.
    I would love to take part in the course of a Year of Painting classes and/or the Year of Healing.
    Thank you and stay inspired!

  152. What a fun and generous giveaway! Thank you for your spirit of sharing, both in this giveaway and through the work that you do. I have wanted to take A Year of Painting for some time now. I have experienced your teaching through Lifebook and really enjoyed learning from you. I have my goddess hanging on my wall now!! I submitted to win on Facebook, Instagram, and I have previously signed up for your newsletter. I would love to journey with you through this next year as I explore finding my artist voice. Yippee and thanks!!

  153. Hi Alena,
    I have one entry for this giveaway. I am signed up for your newsletter. The course that speaks to me the most is “A Year of Healing: Abundant Wild Living”. I am in the process of a major physical healing and this course description speaks to me.
    Many blessings,
    Gerri šŸ™‚

  154. Dearest Aleana , generous soul and lover of all things bright and beautiful! This giveaway has my heart fluttering ; I would enjoy creating in community, sharing and daring to make art again ; meeting other kindred spirits online and on retreat and learning what next as I remake my life at the two and a half year mark after losing my husband of 34 years while he was on a mission trip in Uganda. The day you announce the winner is actually his birthday ! ā¤ļø

  155. Eeek! I am so excited for this offering, so kind and generous of you! I feel like it was serendipitous that I came across this amazing giveaway…I love your painting and after recently having a baby, I have been looking for a way to keep a piece of my own creativity alive (I am slowly getting sucked into the wonderful world of everything baby!) I signed up for your museletter, emailed friends and re-posted on both Facebook and Instagram from my business account (Shine Om Wellness) Thank you so much for this opportunity, I am feeling lucky, like the universe put this on my lap at just the right time…fingers crossed!! : )

  156. Alena, thank you for the opportunity . I have tweeted and Facebooked and I already receive your museletter , they are terrific. I have learned so much from AYOP 1. I would love to attend your retreat or be a part of A Year of Healing. Art Biz intrigues me as well. Love your lessons, your spirit is so sparkly.

  157. Hi Alena,
    I entered the contest by signing up for the museletter and also shared on Instagram for a total of two entries.
    I would love the year of healing course. I am not sure if you heard, but I lost my mom a couple of years ago and am still working on healing from that traumatic experience. Also, I just feel like I could use overall creative healing support being a sensitive soul in this world. The online course sounds like a fun and artistic way to go about the healing process.
    Thanks. šŸ™‚

  158. I did the facebook post about A Year Of Healing so far… I am going through probably the biggest transition of my life right now… can’t tell more for now… but it will be rough and continue for a while… I gave myself a year to get to that new chapter and HEAL… and what’s better healing than art… Thank You… ā™„ā™„ā™„

  159. I have facebooked, I receive your museletter and but I don’t know how to tag you. I hope that I will win a year of healing or a year of painting. I thank you for your kind heart and generous spirit of this give away.

  160. Hi Alena from Australia!! I hope I haven’t left it too late to enter this competition as I’ve literally just stumbled across your work tonight for the first time and blown away by how much your work/philosophy resonates with me! i’m a total beginner yet feel incredibly compelled to complete the ‘Year of Painting’ and ‘Year of Healing course you have created : ) I’ve completed two entries, one through FB and the other signing up for your newsletter! Thank you for giving us a chance here x

  161. I would love to win a spot in any of your workshops. I signed up for your newsletter. I am newly returned to painting and I’m realizing how much it really does feed my soul. Thank you so much for this amazing offer.

  162. Hello Alena,

    I would love to win ‘A Year Of Healing.’ I’m on a long healing journey and ‘in recovery’ after being house bound and bed bound with C.F.S. for ten years. I have posted and shared on Facebook and signed up for your museletter.

    Thank you X

  163. Oh gosh Alena!!!! A Year Of Painting or your ArtBiz course are calling to me! I just signed up for your newsletter. Thank you so much for this opportunity. <3

  164. I have posted and shared on FB and Instagram. I already signed up for your muse letters. I would love to win a Year of Healing since it speaks very much to my core. Most people don’t know but I have been having physical and emotional challenges in particular this year and this seems like a wonderful course to delve in. I also LOVE Alena’s Year of Painting course. Her assignments have evolved my artwork and myself in such a wonderful way. I kicked off 2015 with Alena’s course. Seems like a great way to kick off 2016 with Alena! Financially, I cant afford another course since i lost my job in the beginning of the year. Blessings to all! Thanks, Alena for the offering.

  165. Good Morning, Alena!! I have immensely enjoyed AYOP & AYOP2!! Your courses are gentle, deep & full of love….meditative & healing. Of course, I would love to win a spot in your upcoming Year of Healing as I expect it to be just as wonderful & high quality as your other courses….& who wouldn’t love to win a spot in your autumn art retreat in 2016?! Thank you ever so much for such a beautiful & generous opportunity!! ~Hā™„~

  166. Hi Alena, and all the beautiful Souls sharing beauty through art, color, voice and presence… I ve shared the work of Alena through the web and mostly I carry with me her creativity as a juicy hel me to connect with people, during my workshop and in my daily life… the most important message I feel I can share sharing her work is that everything about ourselves is worthy, deserve colour, space and light to shine… thank you to be, and enlighten our spirit… Tatiana

  167. I signed up for your muse letter and posted on Instagram and Facebook. I’m really drawn to the year of healing as I feel I need it after this past year. So much good has happened, but it’s still been stressful and I need to learn more self love.

  168. What a generous giveaway. I would be super excited to participate in any of your courses. Year of Painting and Year of Healing both look amazing.

    I entered via Instagram and Facebook.

    Thank you for the opportunity!

    XO & Buckets of belief in all things YOU,


  169. What an awesome giveaway!
    Shared one of the online courses (2, actually) on Instagram and tag you, @alenahennessy
    I’m also signed up for your museletters to stay inspired!
    Peace Always, M

  170. Such a generous giveaway! Shared on facebook. I would love to join your year of healing. And of course, the retreat will be amazing!! I am so grateful for all that you are and all that you offer the world. ā¤ļø

  171. I’m in a graduate program called Transformative Arts and Consciousness. I want to take art and healing out into the community and work with underrepresented groups of people and in hospice and hospital settings. Art has gotten me through some really rough patches in the last five years, and I feel as though it’s almost my duty to share art-making as a way of healing. I would LOVE to join your group and expand my toolbox of things to try with folks…and to help me get through the rest of my graduate school experience!


  172. Alena-thank you so much for this giveaway! I am so beyond excited to be able to join a year of painting with all the other gifted souls in this community. Can’t wait to learn and grow with you

  173. wow Alena! Corinna just told me I’ve won and before writing in here now, I really had to read it several times to go sure I-have-won. what a good sign for the next time in this deep changes I am going through and certainly a dream comes true with your art-biz-course as I am constantly developing into a business-artist. so thrilled to learn more from you! happy for all the other winners and a big thank you. feel warmly hugged. lovelovelove Verena

  174. Oh my goodness!! What a beautiful surprise to wake up today with the news that I’ve won ‘A year of Painting’ course!! I’m so thankyou to you Alena for your generosity of spirit! I’m thrilled to be part of this community and can’t wait to begin this journey!! Many thanks x

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